Helpful ReplyFriday's Tip of the Week #167: Behold! Dual Mono Becomes Stereo!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 01, 17 10:20 AM (permalink)
Or ...I just take my laptop to my car with the session on it, plug it into the aux input of my car stereo and tweek the low end from my front seat.
Usually there are issues in the 100 - 400hz area between the kick and bass that can be identified and made 'car-friendly' there.
Not while driving though.  Don't mix and drive kids.

It takes one to know one, and vice versa.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 02, 17 5:35 AM (permalink)
Week 122: Clean Up Your Console View
... You can do that with Folder Tracks in Track View, but you can't do the same thing in Console view...or can you?
For example, once an instrument's MIDI track is done (I use synth Track Folders with separate audio and MIDI tracks), the attention shifts to the audio track when you're mixing - so you don't want to see the MIDI track. ...

Extra thanks for your work from me too, and looking forward to the book and to future tips. Meanwhile, back to this tip of the week:
Due to recent retirement from my day job, I'm finding it rewarding to dig around in Sonar more. This time, I'm not able to duplicate your tip functionality (at least not yet). When I set up a track folder and populate it with MIDI and audio tracks, clicking on the folder indicator numbers under each type hides and shows the tracks just as you describe. But for me, the change in visibility is only happening in the track view with no corresponding change in the console view track visibility. I'm still on a learning curve with track folders, but I'm wondering if there are any preference settings or specific docking choices that would cause this disconnect between track and console.
Then, when poking around for pertinent settings, I noticed at the top of my console view a series of drop down selectors (Modules, Strips, Track, Bus, Options). Under the "Strips" drop down, there is an option to select or deselect "MIDI." Deselecting "MIDI" instantly makes all the MIDI tracks go away from the console view whether they are in folders or not. Seems very handy exactly for the reasons you mention. Re-selecting "MIDI" brings them back into the console view.
The strips menu does not offer a way to easily show/hide user-unique kinds of track groupings (different bands, etc.) the way your tip apparently works, but the vast number of Sonar controls made it easy for me to not know about the built in solution for showing/hiding MIDI tracks in console view, at least until now. Thanks for stimulating me to learn more.

You probably need to set Console view to follow Track view within the Track Manager dialog.

Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 03, 17 6:18 AM (permalink)
Can this simulate a 69 426 Hemi, Superbee?, LOL, (which is music to some peoples ears). 

Easily one of the coolest machines on a road,not too many Right Hand Drive models I bet here in Australia?
I knew of a very local umm dude,that converted his US Left Hand Drive pristine looking Dodge Challenger to RHD with local Chrysler/Valiant Charger Dash,Steering,and the obviously necessary "under hood" steering mechanicals.
Craigs The How Does It Sound in a Car may become invaluable,as my OEM Car Stereo completely stopped functioning a year ago,and ALL of the far newer Aftermarket things I want to like,I just don't.
That is if my depleted "mojo" returns,and I start to again record guitar from my Greenback 4x12's-I used to have "Glued up torn 70's Green magnet Capped 20w Celestions" I dearly wish I'd kept[as,and after they began to fail],because the"new"Chinese made ones are tonally different, now powered by a Peavey JSX combo(with the hmm combo speakers unplugged)as ever since I had my from new 1984 100w 2203 Marshall fully serviced,I just don't like it anymore,somehow it has gained a ridiculous amount of volume,and when the "preamp" is set to it's usual 6,the Master volume is so stupidly loud on 3!,and 4,or 5 just creates this overloaded speaker "woofyness" for want of far better word describing how it's actually not any louder just yuk.
No one would want it be louder,but 3? Master on 3....THREE? This amp used to be half the volume MASTER on 7 [I don't even think Ritchies 200w Major's could possibly have been as loud?) mine is just awful,more awful,at 3.1,4,5 et al. The guy who overhauled it has done so since new in 1984,so it's hugely disappointing,but the Peavey has a Browner than Dirt sound by comparison.
I have totally lost all attraction to Guitar Amp Sims-Cleans can totally be fine,but High Gain is a constant fight against complete awfulness-HG guitar where the amp is a far far larger part of the instrument,nothing has improved with digital simulation since Sonar X1 Studios Amplitube X-Gear,Amplitube 4 can fool one into thinking it's better-but really it's still the same NON Instrument like ALL of them(I have a lot,except HW like Avid's 11 rack,Axe FX or Kemper gladly) I need true speaker/pickup interaction,and yes I know all the workarounds,well the one's I was told could work for me anyway.
Bob Dutch Sattler
post edited by bobguitkillerleft - February 03, 17 9:24 AM Lenovo W540 Factoryrefurb SONAR PLATINUM,Ozone 7 N.I. KA6 Komplete 9 SSD4 Platinum Epi L/H LP Custom Headstock broken twice and fixed.Gibson L/H Les Paul 2010 Wine Red Studio stupid Right Hand Vol.Tone for Left Hand?LH84Ibanez RS135 gen.FloydRose JB Marshall 100w 2203 4x25w Celestion Green backs
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 04, 17 1:33 AM (permalink)
Week 131: SONAR's Dr. QuadraREX File Player
Those of you familiar with the original version of Reason probably remember Dr. REX, the REX file player. This was later upgraded to Dr. OctaREX, which could play back eight REX files at a time. I believe that Cakewalk actually did that first with Cyclone, but the point of today’s tip is to check out SONAR’s Dr. QuadraRex virtual instrument, a/k/a Dimension Pro.
Start with Options, and choose "Set Program As Multitimbral." Now each element will respond to MIDI data on its own channel (Element 1 = Channel 1, Element 2 = Channel 2, and so on).
Drag a REX file into the Load Multisample field (not the Program field). A note symbol will appear to the field’s right if you’ve dragged in a valid REX file. Drag this note to a track, and you’ll create the MIDI data needed to drive the sound you loaded, and it will sync to the host tempo automatically.

You can do this for each of the four elements, but more importantly, you can use Dim Pro’s processing on the individual elements. Also note that you can play individual REX file “slices” from the keyboard with the first slice starting at C4, as well as transposable loops from B3 on down.
The drag and drop simplicity, and ability to play and generate files for MIDI loops, makes Dr. QuadraREX useful for those who like to play around with loops. Remember—it’s not just about sample playback!

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 10, 17 6:51 PM (permalink)
Looks like you can also do this in Rapture Pro - everything is essentially the same, including dragging the MIDI note to the track and being able to play the slices via keyboard. Thanks for the tip, Craig!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 10, 17 7:28 PM (permalink)
Yes, thanks for mentioning that. It also works with the original Rapture as well as Rapture Pro. I used Dimension Pro because I felt it needed some luv  

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 11, 17 1:07 AM (permalink)
Week 132: Delay-Free Faux Stereo
Sometimes it’s a mono world (guitar players, feel free to chime in on this), but you want to create a stereo one. There are several ways to convert mono to stereo, but all of them have some kind of limitation. In particular, delay-based stereo creation—which delays one channel very slightly compared to the other—often gives dramatic stereo effects, but falls apart when summed to mono. The result can be a phasing/flanging type sound, slapback, or comb filtering that you probably didn’t intend.
This method uses EQ separation. You might be surprised at how effective it is, to the point where you end up bringing those panpots a little closer to center. Here’s the setup.

A mono track terminates in a Patch Point, which becomes the input for two Aux Tracks. These pan right and left to give your final stereo image. The mechanism that creates the stereo image is two Sonitus Multiband EQs. (The L-Phase MB in linear-phase mode is arguably a better choice, depending on whether you want linear-phase precision or non-linear-phase character, but of course it’s pretty heavy on the CPU consumption. Also, its lookahead function requires that other tracks be delayed.)
Insert the multiband in one of the tracks. After establishing where you want its frequency divisions (or you can just go with the defaults), copy it to the other track. In one track, set the even-numbered bands to +12 gain, and the odd-numbered bands to -12 gain. In the other track, set the even-numbered bands to -12 gain, and the odd-numbered bands to +12 gain. The response is now complementary, so when you sum the channels into mono, you don’t have the same problems you experience with delay.

Note that you don’t want the compressors to actually compress, so go the Common band for each Multiband (circled in red in the screenshot) and set the ratio for all bands to 1.0. Also make sure the Limiter is off. These steps will ensure you’re dealing with EQ only, not dynamics control.
Once you have the setup working, feel free to tweak. For example an instrument might have more amplitude in one particular frequency range, so you may want to adjust the panning on the track whose Multiband accents that range to keep the signal from sounding unbalanced. Or maybe you do want some compression, too! In any event try this with a mono source like guitar, and prepare to be surprised.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 12, 17 10:15 AM (permalink)
Question about patch points (my first time) - Though I sent a mono track to a patchpoint, when I use the patch point as an input I am still asked L, R, or stereo. I'm assuming L & R are exactly the same and stereo just two of the same? Also - has Sonitus multiband EQ been discontinued? I upgraded to splat last year.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 12, 17 1:23 PM (permalink)
This is a Sunday tip.
It's actually more of a find for me that I want to share.
I mix a lot of bands. Probably a couple of month and most recently this one...
That's me at the soundboard causing all that feedback. This band has 3 members - Drummer, bassist and guitarist and all 3 sing. In the tiny cement walled bar, feedback was a major issue. In the 'Talk' tracks you can hear the drummer asking for more vocal over and over. I push the drummer and we get feedback. I try tweaking the EQ and that eventually fails and I pull the drummer's vocal back down and the feedback stops. The guitarist had to have vocal.
This is not what the tip is about. :-)
In mixing all the bands I've mixed, the bassist is the member most likely to call me to ask for more. I've sweated over it a ton. I mix with headphones and I mix with monitors and I mix for the car. For the living room stereo and I almost always also try it on the phone.
I'm not scared of FX Presets. I give 'em a try. This time I tried the LP EQ Kick Sizzle preset on the master bus...
The preset looks like this...

After adding it, I just mixed naturally as I always do and I discovered the bass was more audible on cheap headphones at lower levels than I have experienced in the past.
I wouldn't have thought a 3dB platform between 70 and 100 would make such a difference, but it really did for me. 
The recordings above that I posted sound ok to me in headphones and a little light in monitors for the bass level.
I thought this was a neat find worth sharing. I promise not to post every EQ tweak I bumble across. :-)
Just to restate: I find this EQ setting to be helpful for getting audible bass for the same file on MP3, Phone, Cheap Headphones, without overwhelming your ability to make it sound good in a decent stereo.
All of the nodes in the above EQ setting are Stereo (Left/Right mode instead of Mid-Side).

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 12, 17 4:12 PM (permalink)
Hey! That was one of my presets...glad you found a use for it!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 12, 17 8:46 PM (permalink)
Craig, it is really very useful to me. I've spent a lot it'd time trying to solve this myself. It is simple and subtle. I think I'll be using it on a bass and kick bus rather than master but idk.

Presets are full of jems.

This one seems like kinda a pultec type of curve with the boost and attenuate.

Thank you for it.

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 14, 17 3:34 PM (permalink)
Gonna give this a go - thanks Craig.
Experimented this weekend with a way to fatten vocals (because I am nasaly thin....)
1) So, I took an Anderton prescribed prepped vocal mono track (prepped = initial vol automation fix, Compressed, EQ, etc), and froze it.
2) Make two tracks with the frozen audio clip (mute the original track).  Pan as desired.
Create region effects (Melodyne) on both, and use the auto pitch, auto vibrato, and auto timing on each one, but do so sparingly, and more importantly, slightly different for each track.  Slip one ever so carefully to taste.....not too many millisecs.  The Melodyne adjustments provide variances in timing and freq which I like. 
I then create sends for both to a bus for other vocals effects (mainly reverb and slight delay).  Have a lot of fun with iZotopes DDlay, but unless the vocs are standing out the rev and dly can quickly muddy.

Jim Wim  
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 17, 17 2:00 PM (permalink)
Hey Craig,
I just used your Week 132: Delay-Free Faux Stereo tip in my latest collab with our very own Mesh. It really brought his lead guitar to life and made the mix sound nice and wide. Great tip
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 1:56 AM (permalink)
Week 133: Console Emulator Workflow Tip
I’ve been falling in love all over again with the Console Emulator. It started in the process of mixing the first songs for my next album. When I added the Console Emulator to every track and used quick grouping so I could bypass them, the sonic improvement was unmistakable and welcome.
But before doing that comparison, I found out that I hadn’t been too diligent about the Console Emulators. Many were turned on, some were turned off, some ProChannels didn’t have them, the settings weren’t always the same, and so on. So, this tip is about making it easy to do a “ProChannel Review” during the mixing process.
In Console view, there’s a show/hide ProChannel button above the FX Rack. Ctrl+click on this button in an unselected track to open all the ProChannels for all the mixer strips. (This is also very impressive to clients, and has been known to hypnotize cats.)

Once they’re all open, then you can use Quick Grouping to enable/bypass them all at once to hear the difference the Console Emulators. Note that Quick Grouping doesn’t always work as expected on the other controls; sometimes it takes a few tries.
Now you can just slide the Console View’s horizontal scroll bar from one end of the console to the other to make sure all the ProChannels are doing what you want. I place mine last in the chain (my ProChannels are often post-FX, too), and use different emulations depending on the music. The N-Type works for me for most material; the S-type is more subtle, and the A-type more aggressive so they have their uses as well, particularly for individual channels.
This may not seem like that innovative a tip...and it’s not. But the Console Emulator (which based on what I could measure, also emulates the transformer in a typical analog console) really does add something to the sound. This technique makes it a lot easier to verify that everything is as desired while you’re mixing. And if you haven't gotten into the Console Emulator...give it a try.

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 2:52 AM (permalink)
I place mine last in the chain (my ProChannels are often post-FX, too), and use different emulations depending on the music.

Solid tip in my book, Craig (and literally in yours, eventually )
I'm glad you included the sentence I'm quoting because I was wondering if using an FX chain was the only way of controlling the order of things when using both the ProChannel and the FX rack. It prompted me to look it up in the documentation, where I found:
To route ProChannel pre-FX Rack or post-FX Rack
By default, the ProChannel signal is routed prior to the channel’s FX Rack (pre). To route ProChannel after the FX Rack (post), right-click any empty space in ProChannel and select Post-FX Rack on the pop-up menu.
For those interested in setting up an FX chain with ProChannel using the FX Chain module, here is the documentation on that:
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 8:16 AM (permalink)
Thanks Craig, another useful one.

I had not really considered too much the placement of the ProChannel and as you pointed out POST seems like the best option. Telecharge thanks also for your information on the subject. You can also click on the POST button below where it say ProChannel to switch between PRE/POST.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 8:39 AM (permalink)
... to open all the ProChannels for all the mixer strips. (This is also very impressive to clients, and has been known to hypnotize cats.)

Great tip again, Craig! I was just able to have my cat bring me a cold beer and some chicken wings!! :-)

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 10:27 AM (permalink)
Craig can do some tip on everbs, delays, compression and EQ?
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 10:40 AM (permalink)
Craig can do some tip on everbs, delays, compression and EQ?

Sure, but can you be a little more specific? What is it you want to know?

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 10:56 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby ZincTrumpet February 18, 17 1:43 PM
"The N-Type works for me for most material; the S-type is more subtle, and the A-type more aggressive" C.A.
I don't know if this phrase just came out that way, or I missed out on this ages ago,
but it just solved how I can remember the emulators and how they differ!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 11:42 AM (permalink)
Good stuff once again...

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 1:44 PM (permalink)

Thanks Tunerman - useful way to remember it!
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 2:08 PM (permalink)
post edited by ZincTrumpet - February 20, 17 3:22 AM
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 3:00 PM (permalink)
Craig can do some tip on reverbs, delays, compression and EQ?

Sure, but can you be a little more specific? What is it you want to know?

Thanks Craig. You have a wealth of  knowledge  on mixing and mastering  and I am sure you have picked up some great tips  over the years in these areas.
1. How do you use re-verbs and delays in the mix to start off with. 
1. Different re-verbs long and short on vocals or maybe delay instead of reverb or even both.
2. How do you determine  the attack and release times on a compressor or what compressor to use.
3. With eq how do you determine what  should be cut as you sweep. For example  do you cut everything that sounds not so good and boost all  the good sounds. Do you use small amounts of reduction and gain?
Once again thanks for your wonderful contributions to this forum. It's well above the call of duty.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 4:23 PM (permalink)
Craig has already done many of the tips on all these subjects and more. Use the search function, not only in this forum, but Google & the Cakewalk Blog, etc. Many, many great Tips from Craig Anderton & other audiopeople & musicians. 

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 8:31 PM (permalink)
I thought Craig asked me the question??
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 18, 17 9:17 PM (permalink)
Although it's true I've covered quite a few topics over the years, there are still many I haven't covered. Topics like when/how/if to include reverb are admittedly very subjective, but I have some thoughts on the matter. As mentioned previously, I'd like to include some more production-oriented tips as reverb might make a good topic for next week. BUT - be forewarned - my opinions are only that, opinions and not rules. If they can inspire people to develop their own styles, though, then those opinions will have been of value.
As an's always interesting to see which tips garner interest and which fall flat. Last week was a tough week, lots of traveling, being behind on some very important deadlines, snow delays, and a horrible sleep schedule. But I thought the tip about Console Emulation might be of interest, even though it wasn't exactly a spectacular topic, and it seems like it was well-received. If it did nothing other than encourage people who hadn't tried the CE to check it out, then it was a valid tip. The CE is one of SONAR's most underrated features IMHO. When applied properly, it can make a mix really come to life in a way that no other processor can. I attribute it to the input transformer emulation 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 19, 17 7:28 AM (permalink)
Yeah, Craig.
Do you ever skip reverb for the bass?
Do you do any crazy reverb compression?
Flip polarity and cancel reverb sometimes?
Do you ever use a different verb on every channel, or prefer a bus?
The RME UCX has Reverb and followed by Echo <delay?> in it's only bus FXs. Should Echo be regular considered with reverb? Should it be reserved for vocals? Why does RME presume they go together yet no other verb I own does?
Have you ever recorded a track then bounced 100% reverb and used it as a pad?

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 23, 17 9:17 AM (permalink)
Easy Button(s).
Thanks for this one.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips February 24, 17 6:22 PM (permalink)
Week 134: SONAR’s Secret Time-Based Guitar FX
If you thought the VX-64 was only good for vocals—well, it’s great for vocals. But for guitar, it’s another “SONAR Secret Weapon” that can produce time-based effects with a character that other plug-ins can’t offer.
The Chorus

The Doubler is more subtle than most guitar chorus effects, but also gives a fine stereo effect from a mono guitar signal—and if you play it back in mono, there’s no funny phasey stuff or loss of quality. My favorite chorus setting with this module is Presence at 3:00 o’clock and Stereo up full, but you can also have mono chorusing if you turn Stereo full counter-clockwise and Presence all the way up. Try the Doubler, and see if it doesn’t become your go-to chorus / mono-to-stereo converter to guitar.
The Amp Animator

Here’s a simple way to make a distorted amp sound more “alive.” Place the VX-64 before the amp, and use the Doubler to create subtle time-domain changes (the settings in the above screen shot work well). This helps emulate what happens when you play through a physical amp in a room: you’re going to be moving around, so you’ll hear waveform cancellations and additions that result from reflections. This effect does something that while not the same, has much of the same psychological effect by creating a more animated amp sound.
The Echoplex

The Delay module has a filter in the feedback loop that can morph from high shelf, to peak, to low shelf, all with a variable cutoff frequency. The screen shot shows the type of response that gives a tape echo-type response where the sound becomes more “midrangey” with each repeat. But another favorite of mine (that I also use with vocals) is setting the Filter Mode full clockwise, bringing the Cutoff down a bit, and adding echo to only the higher frequencies so that the echo doesn’t “step on” other instruments.
Doubler Meets Echoplex
One of the coolest VX-64 features is you can alter the order of effects. For a more accentuated echo effect, place Delay before the Doubler. For a subtler stereo image on the delay, place the Doubler before the Delay.
But Wait—There’s More!
The VX-64 also has a compressor, expander, EQ, and Saturation. You may not find these as useful as similar effects dedicated to guitar, but of course they have their own character. The Expander in particular can soften attacks if you turn up the attack time, and the Compressor is good for subtle lifts (don’t expect super-squeezed sustaining sounds).
But the stars here are the chorus and delay effects. Try them on guitar, and I suspect you’ll be dragging the VX-64 into more and more guitar tracks. 

The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
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