From 8.5 to X1

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July 11, 11 9:19 PM (permalink)

From 8.5 to X1

been thinkin bout switchin back?

should I switch back 

Just cause Mr. YoYo thinks it's dead here

post edited by timidi - July 11, 11 9:21 PM

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 2:39 AM (permalink)
    I like the song, and no you shouldn't switch back too that cluttered old 8.5.3! 


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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 8:44 AM (permalink)
    I couldn't get it to work.  it kept saying "loading..."
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 8:59 AM (permalink)
    Sounds like an old sitcom intro song.... kinda like Cheers and Welcome Back Kotter.....

    pretty cool. That would work in a commercial too... seems about the right length, and quirky in a good way.

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 9:28 AM (permalink)
    Is this you singing?  love it.  I vote for X1 if that's what you did it on.   (If i could only use it as well as this).
    post edited by No How - July 12, 11 3:23 PM

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 1:23 PM (permalink)
    It may be the MP3, but it sound watery if you know what I mean.

    Sounds choppy and a little clunky like old school midi.

    Did you use the 'Gloss' setting on the EQ? It sounds 'glassy' and a little sharp.

    It also sounds like it's in mono?

    I've loved everything you've ever posted Tim. That said, in my honest opinion, I would go back to 8.5.3 until you get a little more familiar with X1.

    Maybe it's the MP3 from SoundClick, but something doesn't sound right with this. I listened to it on my Yamaha HS-80m's and some cheap headphones.

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 1:26 PM (permalink)
    Gloss is not it's all it cracked up to be.

    McQ told me that.

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 2:20 PM (permalink)

    I use it on bass and kick drum tracks to make them pop a little. It gives it a nice crispy edge without taking away from the low end.

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 2:31 PM (permalink)
    Nice little piece there Tim.  Definitely a retro kinda' vibe, and well done as always.
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 3:12 PM (permalink)
    Ok, I'll come clean. I'm still on 8.5:)  Test driving the X1 demo though. 
    I just noticed Jamesyoyo's thread about it bein dead around here so...... I thought I'd contribute.

    Anyway, this tune was recorded using Cakewalk Pro-audio and an 8 track tape machine about 20 years ago.
    Back when men were men and Daws were Daws.....

    Thanks for all the comments.

    Bapu, Thanks

    dke, thanks

    try again Beag

    Herb, thanks. Yea, any new sitcoms comin around called "thinkin of you"  on Taxi?
    Actually, this tune is one of about 12, I did for a music greeting service type thing ("Send a Song"), 
    that I was trying to get off the ground.

    Ok Bub, thanks. Good ears:)  

    Thanks Philz..

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 3:32 PM (permalink)

    ... this tune was recorded using Cakewalk Pro-audio and an 8 track tape machine about 20 years ago.

    ... Bub, thanks. Good ears:)
    See, sometimes it pays to be honest.

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 3:38 PM (permalink)

    ... his tune was recorded using Cakewalk Pro-audio and an 8 track tape machine about 20 years ago. Back when men were men and Daws were Daws.....
    My internet provider was down all day and night last night so I was digging through some old recordings I made with a friend back in 83.

    The vocals were a little distorted, but in a good way, guitars, bass, all had 'something' to them. No matter how hard I've tried, I just can't match that analog sound. *sIgH* 20 + years later, thousands of dollars in PC's, plug-in's, software ... and my 20 year old recording I did with a Tascam 4-track still has that 'something' that I haven't been able to re-create. Ain't that a ****?

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 5:54 PM (permalink)
    ... and my 20 year old recording I did with a Tascam 4-track still has that 'something' that I haven't been able to re-create. Ain't that a ****?

    I know exactly of which you speak Bub... I feel the same way.  So, Pro Channel doesn't fix it????????? 

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 6:34 PM (permalink)

    ... and my 20 year old recording I did with a Tascam 4-track still has that 'something' that I haven't been able to re-create. Ain't that a ****?
    I know exactly of which you speak Bub... I feel the same way.  So, Pro Channel doesn't fix it?????????
    The short answer ... nope. Not by a long shot. But, nothing else I've heard plug-in wise does either. That said, I think the compressor module in the Pro Channel is great. It's not the Sonitus Comp, but it doesn't have to be. Both are great and have their uses. The EQ and Tube Saturation module I could live without. I think we would have been much better served by a nice transparent limiter on the Pro Channel. I mean, if George Yohng's (*) free 64bit limiter sounds just as good as the Waves L1 limiter ... surely Roland could have threw something in there?

    (*) Bitflipper mentioned this free limiter in another thread. Can't thank him enough, it sounds great and I haven't touched Boost 11 since.

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 7:05 PM (permalink)
    I'm on 8.3 and I don't expect to upgrade any time soon... Maybe when I get a new DAW?

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 7:36 PM (permalink)
    I like the tune.

    I need to upgrade Sonar about the same as I need to upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Office.  What would I do with all the new tools and toys???    I'm not even scratching everything I'v got now with 8.5.  And the time lost to the learning curve.....

    I think I will tough it out for now.  I've got zero latency and more dodads than I can use. 

    I have been thinking about a really nice new mic pre for my rack though.

    This tune sounds sort of "vintage" :)


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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 12, 11 10:09 PM (permalink)
    duh.  operator error.  I forgot to turn my soundcard on!

    fun little thing, Tim. a little "midi stiff" like bub says.  not my fav of yours...
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 13, 11 0:29 PM (permalink)

    duh.  operator error.  I forgot to turn my soundcard on!

    fun little thing, Tim. a little "midi stiff" like bub says.  not my fav of yours...
    This 'participation' and 'honesty' thing Robby started in that other thread feels kinda good doens't it Beag? LOL!

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 13, 11 6:45 PM (permalink)
    +1 to the sitcom theme song...although I have no idea if sitcoms still have theme songs

    Sounds great, though. Regardless of what it was recorded on.


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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 13, 11 10:10 PM (permalink)
    +1 on getting more stuff posted here, since you are among the very best on this forum.
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 14, 11 10:08 AM (permalink)


    duh.  operator error.  I forgot to turn my soundcard on!

    fun little thing, Tim. a little "midi stiff" like bub says.  not my fav of yours...
    This 'participation' and 'honesty' thing Robby started in that other thread feels kinda good doens't it Beag? LOL!

    always!  but it wasn't Robby that started anything for me.  I particpate as much as I can and I tend to be "more honest" with people who can handle the criticism as I know Tim can.  he's a professional and I have no problems telling him exactly what I think.  others I might tend to "sugar coat" a little just to give them some confidence to work harder.  others I might just acknowledge that I've listened but don't really have anything to say.
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 14, 11 10:21 AM (permalink)
    I downloaded and installed X1b, but I too am still using 8.5... maybe I'll get around to using it one day...
    I like your new old tune...
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 14, 11 2:21 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Rick.. Yea, me singin.

    Thanks again Bub. Yea, I've been playin with the X1 demo. I immediately minimize the prochannel out of the way. I really don't know if it's any good or not. In relation to  getting a 'like the old days' sound, I've sort of come to the conclusion that I don't need too much more in the way of compressors and eqs (a UAD would be nice) as it's like, who cares, what's the difference.  I do like the LPF and HPF in PC though (convenient). 

    And, hmm. I'm unclear on the "midi stiffness". I guess Pro audio had like a max resolution of 480 ticks? I forget. Sonar is 960ticks. is that what ur talkin bout?

    Hey Robby. I feel the same way mostly.

    Thanks Daryl. Yea, tis vintage. Still new to me considering at how fast time goes by.

    Beagle, I'm crushed .................:)

    Thanks Gary. Yea, i hear the sitcom thing now too. More like the Cheers, dick van dyke era though:)

    Mr. Yoyo. Thanks James. That's very kind. 

    Thanks Frank. I just have the X1 demo. It's Ok in some respects. Bad in others. 
    And,,, there were some glaring WTFs:) Really,,,, right clik on a note in PRV and it deletes it? huh? Haven't gotten my head around the smart tool yet. I don't use any of the icon toolbar things so they went in the right direction (for me) with that clutter.
    idunno. need a new computer first.

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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 14, 11 4:06 PM (permalink)

    you have the right to be equally crushing on critiques of my songs, Tim...

    If I ever start posting any again!
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 16, 11 7:16 PM (permalink)
    Beag, I think he meant honesty about admitting that you forgot to turn your sound card on.  :)  (I didn't know you could turn those things off...but you know I don't know that, don't you?)  lol

    Great job, Tim...and you know me, unless it's a piano solo, I don't know enough to have much worthwhile to say anyway.  But I agree with Jim (JY)...always good to hear your songs.  :) 
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 17, 11 4:10 PM (permalink)
    Wonderful retro feel to this number.  Great sound.
    That is you singing ---- very nice indeed.
    I can't comment on 8.5 as I have never used it.  I can't really comment on X1 either since I am still trying to learn it and my computer is too old to handle it effectively.  Looks like it's time for a new computer :>(
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    Re:From 8.5 to X1 July 17, 11 4:57 PM (permalink)

    Nice one Tim , I'll be upgrading on the 28th of this month to producer I think .
    I need something more then just Project 5 , Sonar X1 works great with Reason 4 and 5 as far as rewiring so Sonar X1 is for me because I own Reason 5 and Record .

    Anyway your song sounded great , Sonar X1 sure looks and sounds great !
    You might want to think about jumping over to Sonar X1 Producer sometime soon .


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