Getting the "Ironman" effect

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June 21, 12 1:51 PM (permalink)

Getting the "Ironman" effect

I'm doing some audio effects work for a friend's video game/app business. He has asked me to create some robotic death animation sound effects (like "oh no" and the like) for when little robotic creatures get killed in this particular game. He specifically mentioned the "Ironman" intro as the direction he would like this to go. Can anyone share a technique or effect that will get me in the ballpark (we're talking the "I am Ironman" at the beginning of the song)? Tried the TAL Vocoder but doesn't really get me there, at least not with the settings I was experimenting with.

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 2:02 PM (permalink)
    The Sonitus modulator has a couple of pre-sets you could use as a start point, the 'black metal' one might work in combo with some pitch-shifting, also the 'dalek'.


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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 2:19 PM (permalink)
    I'll check that out. Thanks.

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 3:49 PM (permalink)

    I believe the "I am Iron Man" effect was achieved using a talkbox, where you run a guitar amp through a plastic tube inserted into your mouth, allowing you to create formants. Like the ones famously used by Joe Walsh and Peter Frampton. AFAIK they are still manufactured by Walsh's onetime business partner, Bob Heil.

    You should be able to get close with a vocoder, but I think you'd have to add distortion like Guitar Rig or something similar.

    [EDIT]I looked it up, and the Heil talkbox is still being made, but by Dunlop Manufacturing - the company that makes your guitar strings and picks.
    post edited by bitflipper - June 21, 12 3:53 PM

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 3:55 PM (permalink)
    Check out Kerovee

    this is free pitch correction software and it is cool.....I've used it a few times. It is easy, breezy and fun......totally.........If you do not end up using it for your friend I am sure that you will spend hours just playing around with it....

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 7:14 PM (permalink)
    sounds like a tremolo on the distorted signal to me...

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 7:24 PM (permalink)

    Check out Kerovee

    this is free pitch correction software and it is cool.....I've used it a few times. It is easy, breezy and fun......totally.........If you do not end up using it for your friend I am sure that you will spend hours just playing around with it....


    This thing is very cool...use it a lot with various things here...

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 8:26 PM (permalink)

    Dunlop Manufacturing - the company that makes your guitar strings and picks.

    They make picks and strings for just one person? Doesn't sound very profitable.
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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 8:38 PM (permalink)
    Hi Rusty,

    I just threw these together for you real quick. I can literally get the iron man sound if I mess with it...but I just fired up these two plugs from Avox...the Mutator and Throat and got these in seconds. The suite can be found here:
    Here are some examples:

    You should be able to do this with Melodyne as well as using maybe a delay and a verb with some pre-delay to really make it sound killer. But these sounds were done in seconds just by tweaking those two plugs. The first example is using Mutator. The rest are all the Throat plug. Hope this helps...good luck bro.


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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 9:32 PM (permalink)
    Try a Ring Modulator, that is how they achieve the dalek effect and possible pitchshifting and distortion but there is def Ring Modulator.

    Peace Ben

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 10:42 PM (permalink)
    The whole problem is that you really aren't ironman. ;) To recreate it you need a talkbox effect which is essentially what Peter Frampton used back in the 70s. Unfortunately there isn't a VST for it. It's old school.
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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 21, 12 11:32 PM (permalink)

    The whole problem is that you really aren't ironman. ;) To recreate it you need a talkbox effect which is essentially what Peter Frampton used back in the 70s. Unfortunately there isn't a VST for it. It's old school.

    Actually Pete, there is. I forgot all about it actually and I have it here. :)

    Pretty cool example of it here if you scroll down to Make me Cry:
    I've had this thing a pretty long time and never tried it as I hven't had a need for it. Not sure it will give Rusty what he's looking for, but it sounds the closest to a talk box that you can get in plug format and the only one I've actually ever heard without using the real "mouth to plastic tube" version. :)

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 22, 12 10:18 AM (permalink)
    actually, beck did it before frampton (or walsh)

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    Re:Getting the "Ironman" effect June 22, 12 12:28 AM (permalink)
    Thanks everyone for the tips/suggestions.Hoping to experiment in detail this weekend.

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