Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution.

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November 23, 17 11:33 AM (permalink)

Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution.

I know there are a few playlist users around, some requiring fairly complex multi track setups with midi. In searching for a future live performance backing track solution (outside of the glorious return of Sonar!) I was drawn to Abelton live, but did not like the fact that you had to load all of the show tracks into a single project. Clunky much! I have come accross a solution however and am keen to give it a run. Obviously it is still a #@#@load of work changing projects over, but at least an individual project, automated, remote controlled playlist looks possible in Ableton Live - using "Midi Automater".
Check it out if you are interested:)
EDIT- and if I am not mistaken this will work with any DAW.
post edited by tenfoot - November 23, 17 12:01 AM

Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.

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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 23, 17 1:48 PM (permalink)
    I use this for performing live, at the moment for controlling Sonar, and can confirm it works great.
    If using with Ableton, seems better than having to create a single project with everything in it...
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 23, 17 3:54 PM (permalink)
    Hey Mattyboy. Thanks for chiming in. Good to know it works well.
    I have always used the playlist in Sonar and was worried about finding another DAW as no others seem to have a similar function.  I have just tried this with studio one and it works a treat. I can use any DAW I like now:)
    I had no idea this little gem of a program existed.

    Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 23, 17 4:05 PM (permalink)
    Talking about live performance, IMHO the best solution for live performance, at least for keyboardists like myself, is . It offers endless possibilities, has a very active community based on sharing knowledge and experience exchange, plus a developer who actually listens to the users, can be found to respond on the forum almost daily, comes up with feature enhancements and bug fixes (if any) literally within hours and can be approached personally with any problems you cannot resolve in any other way. It is much more than just the VST host it calls itself on the homepage. I've been using the program for less than a year and am really impressed by its capabilities. It is rock solid.
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 24, 17 4:45 PM (permalink)
    Can you let us in on your secret?
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 24, 17 5:57 PM (permalink)
    O sorry, I added a hyperlink to my message but that was obviously deleted or filtered out. I was referring to Cantabile Performer. Just Google for it (cantabilesoftware etc.).
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 24, 17 5:57 PM (permalink)
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 24, 17 6:02 PM (permalink)
    If you used the Matrix view like I did in Sonar, then Ableton is a great product and I'm surprised I haven't heard more folks talking about it.  I also really like Bitwig for the same reason and it's really cool how they combine the matrix view and project view on the same page.  Bitwig is still in it's infancy though, Ableton is a more mature product.

    Win 10 Pro 64 bit, Dell Inspiron 15, core i7, 16GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Mackie MR5 Mark 1 speakers
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 24, 17 10:27 PM (permalink)
    O sorry, I added a hyperlink to my message but that was obviously deleted or filtered out. I was referring to Cantabile Performer. Just Google for it (cantabilesoftware etc.).

    Cantable is more of a specialised Live performance VST host than a DAW though, with very limited track playback. A great soulution for playing v s t's live though.
    If you used the Matrix view like I did in Sonar, then Ableton is a great product and I'm surprised I haven't heard more folks talking about it.  I also really like Bitwig for the same reason and it's really cool how they combine the matrix view and project view on the same page.  Bitwig is still in it's infancy though, Ableton is a more mature product.

    Lives session view is great, matrix view on steroids, but I find its arrangement view infuriating. So clunky and convoluted if your workflow is geared toward a traditional linear DAW. Horses for courses I guess:)

    Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 24, 17 10:35 PM (permalink)
    Of course, Cantabile is made for live performance. I use it next to Sonar, which is my home studio DAW. I also use Sonar to create backing tracks (both audio and midi) for live performance using Cantabile.
    Cactus Music
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 28, 17 11:35 PM (permalink)
    I downloaded this and look forward to trying it out. Not sure if it will be needed but the price is right and you never now. Certainly appeals to my need to have everything go fast between songs and with foot control. 

    Johnny V  
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    Re: Good news for playlist users! Another DAW solution. November 29, 17 0:46 PM (permalink)
    Cactus Music
    I downloaded this and look forward to trying it out. Not sure if it will be needed but the price is right and you never now. Certainly appeals to my need to have everything go fast between songs and with foot control. 

    I have been testing it with some projects I ported over to Studio One this last couple
     of days Johnny. It works a treat. I cant believe how fast Studio One loads songs! The midi in SO is not nearly as advanced as Sonar, but it certainly makes up for that in speed and stability. Not so much as a flickering screen redraw, much less a crash!
    At the other end of the spectrum is Ableton Live. After all of the hype, I am amazed at how horrible it is. In the interest of fairness however, I fully admit that I am an old dog who believes a trained monkey can trigger samples and musicians shoild really learn an instrument:)

    Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
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