Got problems with X1 Essentials ??????
I've been running X1 Essentials on a brand new Dell XPS17 laptop (windows 7 ,64 bit, i5 processor) with absolutely no issues that hinder my progress. I've been reading the X1 forums since it's release and tracking most of the issues that have come to light and was wondering if other users running Essentials are having some of the issues that the 64 bit versions are experiencing. I have been enjoying my use of X1 Essentials after moving from MC4 then to HS7 now to X1. I am also not as hardcore into utilizing many of the functions X1 has to offer as most of the users here so maybe that could be the difference of a crash or two. So in a nutshell.....Is Essentials as "Buggy" as Studio or Producer versions?
Thanks, Ken
SONAR Platinum
Dell XPS17 / External 23" touch screen & 22" HP displays/Windows 10 64bit i5 processor/
8Gb ram/500GB (7200rpm SATA HD)/Roland VS-700 set/KRK rockit 6/KRK 10" sub and a bunch of cables
EZdrummer2 / EZmix2