Re:Greetings from Duh-ville
July 31, 11 11:26 PM
Welcome to the forum.
Music Creator 5 is a fine program for recording, regardless whether there is a new one out. I use a 5-year old program and haven't yet seen a reason to upgrade.
You may need to adjust the latency to the Slow side under Options>Audio or change the number of butters. Read up on some of the other things you can try in the improving audio performance section of the help files, 'Dropouts and other audio problems'.
The distortion could be because you have the record level too high (did the record meters go into the red?) or that you had Micrphone selected for the input. Mics need a pre amp to bring the level high enough for recording, but if you use those pre amps on other devices, the level could be too high. Open the Windows mixer by double-clicking the speaker icon in the system tray. Change the input and/or the input level there. I'm assuming you're using the computer's sound card.
Speaking of which, for greatest recording satisfaction, you should get an audio interface designed for recording, in my opinion, preferably one that uses 'real' ASIO audio drivers and not ASIO4All.