Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction?

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2010/10/11 18:25:35 (permalink)

Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction?

Hi guys,
This is my first post on the forum....have only had guitar tracks pro 3 for 3 years!! Better late than never I guess. Am glad to have found the forum however and am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction. I'm getting stuck into some more recording after quite an absence but want to sort this before starting! Anyway, my issue is as follows:
When I record a track, upon play back, the sound is only coming out of one of my two speakers (i.e. hooked up to my laptop). When I burn the tune to CD and play back on my mp3 player, I can hear all of the tune (guitars, bass, drums etc) through one ear phone. I have tried the "Pan" (which is set at C for centre I guess), left and right but no joy. From looking at some of my old recordings, I think I may know where the problem lies.....but don't know how to solve it.
On the "range bar" - where it gives the options to choose 12dB range, 24bB range etc - when I have my guitar plugged in (via my laptop) and begin recording, the sound is registering by way of the light blue line that goes back and forth depending on volume, but only on the top half. The light blue line on the botom half, so to speak, stays where it is. I changed one of the sounds to "chorus", under sound options and this made both blue lines go up together and sound was then coming out of both speakers - that's why I think these blue lines are the issue. However, I don't want to put all my tunes to "chorus" to solve it.
Here's a link to a pic that should hopefully show what I'm trying to explain!
I hope the above makes sense therefore any ideas would be most welcome. The program I'm using, as mentioned, is guitar tracks pro 3.
Many thanks in advance guys

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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/12 00:38:04 (permalink)
    Yes, it makes sense.
    What you are seeing, and hearing, is a mono source recorded to one side of a stereo track.
    Yu have probably discovered that "pan" will act as more of a fader, increasing or decreasing volume, but the sound will be locked to one speaker.
    It's easy to fix, but may require a modest investment in hardware(probaby at least a mixer, or a decent external sound card/interface).
    From the picture, I am guessing you have the guitar plugged directly into the (Line In?) input. The noise floor is fairly high (the 42db on the right side with no instrument sound shows this).
    Those blue bars are your meters, and they show the levels of sound in the track.
    What is your recording setup? Provide as much detail as you can.

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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/12 04:28:53 (permalink)
    Hi RobertB,
    Many thanks for your reply.
    I'm not currently at my laptop but will do my best to describe my set up. You are correct in that I have my guitar plugged into my laptop..but it's firstly running through an amp.

    I have a marshall amp and have my guitar plugged into same. I then have a jack-lead coming out of the amp (line out..I think!) using another jack-lead (plus a jack-adapter), plugged into the laptop, so effectively working through the amp in a sense.
    With that, the sound from my guitar & amp is being picked up by guitar tracks pro, as per the picture, and when I play, I can see the blue line moving. I have never changed the dB setting - I'm not the most technically gifted and didn't know whether these settings should be changed. Once I got GTP3 set up and working, I was delighted with the fact that I was set up and able to record!

    That's pretty much it - it's a pretty straightforward set up, I don't have any other programs running alongside it.
    Hopefully that explains it and any further suggestions RobertB or anyone, would be most welcome. Thanks again
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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/14 04:31:01 (permalink)
    Hi guys,
    Just wondering if anyone may be able to shine a light on this issue? I've been playing around with the program but no joy I'm afraid.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/14 09:00:36 (permalink)
    Hi there Alan, and welcome aboard.
    Robert's definitely identified your problem here - you seem to be recording your signal to one side of a stereo track.
    As a temporary solution, try changing the Input selector at the top of a track to mono. Click on the drop-down options and select: LEFT (NAME OF YOUR SOUNDCARD).
    Now try recording with your current set-up (if that doesn't work, try selecting the RIGHT option).
    Here's how it looks with the 'Left' input on my TonePort UX2 soundcard selected:

    As a more permanent solution, could you check your whole signal chain from your guitar to your computer and let us know what it is Alan.
    Somewhere along the line (I'm guessing it might be your ¼” → ⅛” adapter) you may have a stereo component connected to a mono component which is only allowing the signal to pass onto one of the stereo channels.

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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/14 16:52:30 (permalink)
    Hey Steve, thanks for the welcome and the reply, much appreciated.

    Firstly, that link to the Coffee House Band - that you?

    I'm gona give your suggestions a bash now, see how things work out and let you know. Will give more info re: set up also and pics where possible.

    Thanks again Steve, will be back with an update soon
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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/14 17:08:27 (permalink)
    Hi again Steve - quick update.

    I chose the "left" option and it worked a treat - thanks a mill! Great stuff.
    However, I tried to select this on some of my recorded tunes already but no joy - doesn't seem to allow you to retrospectively change settings, as I would like - that sound right to you? I guess if you don't record in a certain way, it would allow you to change it afterwards. At least I'll know for future reference anyway.
    Will be back though with details of my set up so you may be able to shine more light on it when I post back.
    Cheers again Steve,

    P.S. These are some of my recordings from a couple of years back if at all interested - a mixed bag really but was only learning about this whole recording thing at that stage - as per my problem here, all sound coming through the one speaker! Ah well, I can always record them "properly" again! (p.s. not even sure if I can be plugging such things here - if not, apologies in advance and I shall remove)
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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/14 17:43:44 (permalink)
    Hey, no problem Alan - it would be nice to identify the problem though - I'm guessing that you have a stereo adapter and/or a stereo lead somewhere that is the problem.  I vaguely remember something similar happening to me years ago, but I can't for the life of me remember the exact details and the solution
    In the meantime, GT3 defaults to the 'STEREO' input option so as long as you select MONO you should be OK in the future.
    The material that you've already recorded can't be affected in retrospect by changing the input source for the track, so you'll need another technique for that.
    Try this to convert your incorrectly recorded stereo tracks to mono tracks:
    • In the Edit View, left click on a track or a clip to select it
    • On the menu bar, select Edit > Bounce To Track(s) - you will see this screen:

    • By default, the Destination Track is set to #1 - you'll need to change this to a free track (you can delete the original track later), or enter the number of the track you are converting to replace (overwrite) the stereo track with a mono track.
    • Now click on the Format drop-down list and select: Mix Stereo Content to Mono

    • Leave all the other default settings as they are and then click on OK to convert the track to mono
    Hope that helps!

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    Re:Guitar tracks pro 3 - sound correction? 2010/10/17 12:54:48 (permalink)
    Hi again Steve - you're a star. Thanks for the effort you put into your reply, I really appreciate it.
    It has worked a treat so thanks again. At least, for any new records, I'm 2/3's of the way there and I say this due to the following.
    I've attached some pics to show my set up and some other pics to show that:
    a) the default setting shows the "sound/speaker" at stereo. Leaving it there (as per my original problem), means sound coming out of only the right speaker. a) when I change it to "left", it records to both speakers, so to speak but c) when I choose the "right" option, I don't get any sound registering. Not a huge issue but still, would be nice to have the choice to record to the left and/or right and/ or both speakers at a given time.
    I have used the edit mode, as per your post on my old recordings and it's worked perfectly. I can change individual recorded pieces within the tunes aswell to mix it up a little which is great (but can be time consuming!!!). Great stuff though.
    Here's my set up:
    Guitar plugged to amp :
    This is just the norm for plugging the guitar into the amp
    Next, I have a jack lead coming out of "Line Out" as so:

    Next pic shows the adapter that I plug the end of the jack into:

    Lastly, how it is plugged into the laptop

    The green wire beside it is the plug in for the speakers.
    Last, but not least, this is the message I get on my laptop when I plug in the gold adapter:

    Nearly forgot - as mentioned about Steve, I can chose stereo and left options and I get sound. Choosing right option, doesn't give me anything. See pics to show each option and at the bottom, sound from the guitar being registered. Hope this makes sense!

    I've actually left out the pic showing me choosing the right option but as above, it doesn't register sound for some reason.
    You've already given me loads to work with Steve and again, I appreciate it very much so if you can't shed any light on this issue, no worries in the slightest. Hope this all makes sense and thanks again, it's been a pleasure!
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