Re:HELP with WIN 7 and compatible sound cards
2011/03/09 16:54:39
+1 for the Focusrite saffire 6 USB, I have posted elsewhere, unboxed and recording in 10 minutes, maybe less! Like already mentioned, no problems with drivers in Win. 7x64 Home Premium, came with software-I believe Novation Bass Station, lots of samples and loops, FX Mastering Suite, and oh yeah...Ableton. I know very little,so if I can get it going, anyone can!
HP Pavilion dv6 Intel Duo Core 2 2.20GHz T6600, Windows 7 x 64, Guitar tracks Pro 4, SonarX1dEXP,SonarX2Prod. 8.5.3, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, JBL monitors, Alesis SR-16, Guitar Rig 4 Pro, PRS SE, Epiphone Les Paul Custom, Cort SJ-10 ,Steven Slate 3.5, Akai MPK25, Glyph GT 050Q (500GB)RP1000