HS 7XL v's HS 8.5LE

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November 22, 10 5:52 PM (permalink)

HS 7XL v's HS 8.5LE

hi there bought 7xl a few months back  really pleased . but i now need a new i/o and am looking at the FA-66, which comes with HS 8.5LE, is this better than 7XL.
                            thx in advance
                                                     kind regards paul

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    Re:HS 7XL v's HS 8.5LE November 22, 10 7:22 PM (permalink)
    There is no such thing as HS 8.5LE, but there is a Sonar 8.5LE.
    I don't know its specific limitations, but it does have the standard Sonar format, as opposed to SHS7.
    It doesn't have much for soft synths, but you can use the ones you have with SHS7.
    Try it, and see if you like it.
    Both versions can live on your system, and you can use either one with the FA-66.
    As long as the FA-66 serves your needs, that is the important thing.

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