"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover

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July 15, 11 10:17 AM (permalink)

"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover

Glad to be a member of the forum.  I've been using Cakewalk software since I was 15 years old.  I though I would share my latest creation made in Sonar 7.  Also utilized was ToonTrack's Superior Drummer, Spectrasonics Trilian bass module, and Fractal Audio's Axe-Fx ultra.


If you enjoy this one, I would also recommend checking out the other clips available on my Soundcloud page.
post edited by AustinW90 - July 15, 11 10:20 AM

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    Re:"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover July 15, 11 10:26 AM (permalink)
    lol not sure what john williams would make of it, but i quite enjoyed it...you should do the theme for 'league of extraordinary djentlemen' next then, lol...

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    Re:"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover July 15, 11 2:26 PM (permalink)
    Hi there Austin, welcome aboard.
    Great version - sounds like you had a lot of fun doing this, and I love the tone of the guitars.
    Very nice indeed.

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    Re:"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover July 16, 11 11:03 PM (permalink)
    Thanks, Mgh and Steve!
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    Re:"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover July 17, 11 0:38 PM (permalink)
    This was a cool idea. :)

    Sounded great.

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    Re:"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover July 17, 11 8:49 AM (permalink)
    Austin, that's a pretty killer version there! Quite a few people have done some of the SW stuff with a metal vibe. One of my faves would be these guys....this is soo intense done like this. It's amazing what metal guitars and a modern drum sound can do for stuff like this.


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    Re:"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover July 21, 11 2:41 PM (permalink)
    Danny Danzi

    Austin, that's a pretty killer version there! Quite a few people have done some of the SW stuff with a metal vibe. One of my faves would be these guys....this is soo intense done like this. It's amazing what metal guitars and a modern drum sound can do for stuff like this.


    THAT is by far the best SW cover I've ever heard!  Have you ever heard Anchohead? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKa_gjrTCGE
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    Re:"Han and the Princess" - A metal Star Wars cover July 21, 11 2:56 PM (permalink)
    Cool I really liked this but I enjoyed the one with sound effects more!!!!!!!

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