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Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
Happy Thanksgiving All who celebrate Thanksgiving. And for you who are not in the US of A, have a great Thursday November 27th or whatever your culture calls it. Albanian independence day is Friday. As is East Timor's Independence day. And Mauritania's. Barbados' is coming Sunday I think. Party hard dudes (and dudettes). Yo Oman-ites - sorry I missed the Birthday of Sultan Qaboos a week ago - but hope that went well for you. Anyway, for those who celebrate Thanksgiving, who like to dress like Pilgrims and get drunk and dance with American Indians, who live for football and roller derby - I identify more with you than missing Sultan Qaboos' birthday (no offense) so lets have a great day. Peace out.
Some people call me Maurice SPLAT Pro lifetime, ADK 6 core 3.6Ghz with 32 GB RAM, SSD 1TB system drive, 3 3TB regular drives for samples, recordings and misc. Behringer X Touch, UAD Apollo Quad. 2 UAD2 Quads PCI (i think - inside the box whatever that is), Console 1. More guitars (40??) and synths (hard and soft) than talent. Zendrum!!!
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:06 PM
Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO Doesn't it apply to all? Even if you are from Mars the day should still be a happy one.  I shall have a happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone everywhere has a happy day too.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:07 PM
Well, thankee kindly Maurice. And the same to you and yorn. If I could throw a martini...or a deep fried cajun butter injected Turkey (which is what me and mine are havin tomorrow) as far as Houston I'd already be heavin away. Peace be with ya. (And, again, did you ever get my pm about the beta thang? and if not just check in at the web site...all is explained).
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:14 PM
The Beta thing? My ol pal, I had a massive computer failure. I had to reformat and reinstall everything. Since this is my hobby and part time job, that danged day thing got in the way and made it take too long to reinstall. I lost track of what was happening. John I just wanted to not offend anyone that was fighting for turkey rights, or believed that Thanksgiving was really the beginning of genocide of the Indians, or found our group meals to be repulsive. That is why I made sure and mention the Sultan - acknowledging the important things in other cultures. By the way, while Tur Duck-En is a popular dish in the south, one of the Arab cultures have a dish that is a camel, stuffed with a llama, with a goat, and a chicken and a fish and an egg - or something like that. It is evidently roasted for a couple of days (camels are not good rare evidently). I think it is for big feasts like weddings and Sultan's Birthdays.
Some people call me Maurice SPLAT Pro lifetime, ADK 6 core 3.6Ghz with 32 GB RAM, SSD 1TB system drive, 3 3TB regular drives for samples, recordings and misc. Behringer X Touch, UAD Apollo Quad. 2 UAD2 Quads PCI (i think - inside the box whatever that is), Console 1. More guitars (40??) and synths (hard and soft) than talent. Zendrum!!!
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:16 PM
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:21 PM
John Our world has seen political correctness enacted to the point that Monty Python would reject it as a script idea as too implausible. I seriously read about a school where the teacher was teaching the little 6year olds that celebrating thanksgiving was celebrating the murder of the indian population. Wow. So there has to be a POTATO Society (Prevention of Turkey and Turducken Ovening) somewhere out there that I need to be sensitive to. Sorry Potato heads.
Some people call me Maurice SPLAT Pro lifetime, ADK 6 core 3.6Ghz with 32 GB RAM, SSD 1TB system drive, 3 3TB regular drives for samples, recordings and misc. Behringer X Touch, UAD Apollo Quad. 2 UAD2 Quads PCI (i think - inside the box whatever that is), Console 1. More guitars (40??) and synths (hard and soft) than talent. Zendrum!!!
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:23 PM
Weren't the Turduckens one a them Frainch families that ruled Europe in the 1700s or somethin?
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:25 PM
No they invaded Greece a lot and split the isle of Crete.
Some people call me Maurice SPLAT Pro lifetime, ADK 6 core 3.6Ghz with 32 GB RAM, SSD 1TB system drive, 3 3TB regular drives for samples, recordings and misc. Behringer X Touch, UAD Apollo Quad. 2 UAD2 Quads PCI (i think - inside the box whatever that is), Console 1. More guitars (40??) and synths (hard and soft) than talent. Zendrum!!!
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:29 PM
No, no yor thankin a my cajun-butter-injected-deep-fried-turkey. It's inundated with grease. Crete is somethin we make sidewalks out of.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:49 PM
Wait a second POTATO? I am for the preservation and elevation of potatos everywhere. They are the unsung heros that we dig up from a perfectly happy life in the dirt to play second fiddle to a turkey. Then they get the further insult of having hot gravy pored on top them with out anyone asking them if its OK. I think we should offer them a lot more respect. Then, eat them.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 26, 08 11:53 PM
I seriously read about a school where the teacher was teaching the little 6year olds that celebrating thanksgiving was celebrating the murder of the indian population. They have the wrong day. It should be Columbus day. I heard that the Indians were said to remark "there goes the neighborhood" upon first seeing the three ships approaching.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 0:17 PM
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Sonarites. I'm going to stuff myself, take a nap and do it again. Repeat as often as necessary. Mike
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 0:20 PM
There are parts of the US that I would gladly give back to them. We ruint those parts anyway. Except for Texas. Cant take Texas. Potatoes - those adorable and edible spuds - that was not what I was talking about POTATO - Prevention of Turkey and Turducken Ovening - It is a real society - if by real you mean something I made up. And if by society you mean that it exists solely in my head and this forum.
Some people call me Maurice SPLAT Pro lifetime, ADK 6 core 3.6Ghz with 32 GB RAM, SSD 1TB system drive, 3 3TB regular drives for samples, recordings and misc. Behringer X Touch, UAD Apollo Quad. 2 UAD2 Quads PCI (i think - inside the box whatever that is), Console 1. More guitars (40??) and synths (hard and soft) than talent. Zendrum!!!
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 1:43 AM
Yea, Space, it is hard to know when to quit joking and where the joke ends. Somewheres out in CA they called off a traditional Indian/Pilgrim fest for kindergardeners since a mother complained about dressing up as stereo types (I guess surround o types would have been fine). Not all the loonies they let out when they closed the mental institutions back in the 60's ended up on NYC's streets but managed to enter into a breeding program. It is like not being able to dress as a witch on Holloween because of wickens or as a skeleton since the bulimic might be offended. We are having two turkeys since we had a bunch of folk over one time and they ate our single bird to the bone. Besides, this is the only meal my wife cooks, her mother's dressing is to die for but I like smoked turkey better (and it makes no juice for dressing). If there is too much left over, the dog appreciates it. there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. 24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 5:02 AM
For those in the UK it's coincidently Happy Fondue Day Enjoy the tea and scones chaps and lashings of ginger beer.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 5:21 AM
Any old reason for a party A bud? ORIGINAL: space_cowboy Happy Thanksgiving All who celebrate Thanksgiving. And for you who are not in the US of A, have a great Thursday November 27th or whatever your culture calls it. Albanian independence day is Friday. As is East Timor's Independence day. And Mauritania's. Barbados' is coming Sunday I think. Party hard dudes (and dudettes). Yo Oman-ites - sorry I missed the Birthday of Sultan Qaboos a week ago - but hope that went well for you. Anyway, for those who celebrate Thanksgiving, who like to dress like Pilgrims and get drunk and dance with American Indians, who live for football and roller derby - I identify more with you than missing Sultan Qaboos' birthday (no offense) so lets have a great day. Peace out.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 5:27 AM
Actually going to a Thanksgiving in the UK, the host is a lecturer in American History. I'm just in it for the pumpkin pie...
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 7:36 AM
Thanksgiving is a universal holiday that all should practice daily. We all have everything to be Grateful for, to have electricity, a computer, Sonar 6,7,8 Pro, FOOD, AIR, FINGERS, and most importantly, if you're reading this, YOU DIDN'T WAKE UP DEAD TODAY!!!! Thankyou and very seriously, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL.....
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 8:54 AM
ORIGINAL: John Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO Doesn't it apply to all? Even if you are from Mars the day should still be a happy one. I shall have a happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone everywhere has a happy day too. No, Thanksgiving was last month! Oh, you mean American Thanksgiving.
David A. Batson
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 9:02 AM
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 9:03 AM
No excuses...go do your homework!
Danny Danzi
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 9:12 AM
ORIGINAL: space_cowboy Happy Thanksgiving All who celebrate Thanksgiving. And for you who are not in the US of A, have a great Thursday November 27th or whatever your culture calls it. Albanian independence day is Friday. As is East Timor's Independence day. And Mauritania's. Barbados' is coming Sunday I think. Party hard dudes (and dudettes). Yo Oman-ites - sorry I missed the Birthday of Sultan Qaboos a week ago - but hope that went well for you. Anyway, for those who celebrate Thanksgiving, who like to dress like Pilgrims and get drunk and dance with American Indians, who live for football and roller derby - I identify more with you than missing Sultan Qaboos' birthday (no offense) so lets have a great day. Peace out. Thanks space, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and everyone else on the forum also. Don't eat too much boyrd as we say here in NJ! ;) I think I'll be dressing like a pilgrim with an indian ponytail to honor both. :) Be safe everyone and be careful driving. :)
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 9:21 AM
ORIGINAL: strikinglyhandsome1 For those in the UK it's coincidently Happy Fondue Day Enjoy the tea and scones chaps and lashings of ginger beer. "lashings of ginger beer" whats that a reference to , the railway children by enid blyton? I've heard it before, but it's bugging me from where. edit :ahh it was enid blyton anyway.. Jenny Agutter still scrubs up well , even though shes 20 years older than me..hehe
post edited by Fog - November 27, 08 9:25 AM
RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 9:24 AM
How many of you guys have spent a day (or more) at a modern poultry farm? Re: Potatoes... clearly nature made the potato to be a food source... mainly for the potato species. Selecting and eating a potato is a whole different situation than taking the life of a living breathing being. It's nice to think people give thanks for what they take, but if the "thanks" were sincere and offered with understanding I suspect there would be less need for awkward jokes about the nature of our relationships with our food sources. Happy Thanksgiving! best regards, mike
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 9:25 AM
ORIGINAL: Fog ORIGINAL: strikinglyhandsome1 For those in the UK it's coincidently Happy Fondue Day Enjoy the tea and scones chaps and lashings of ginger beer. "lashings of ginger beer" whats that a reference to , the railway children by enid blyton? I've heard it before, but it's bugging me from where. edit :ahh it was enid blyton anyway.. Jenny Agutter still scrubs up well , even though shes 20 years older than me..hehe Famous Five .
post edited by strikinglyhandsome1 - November 27, 08 9:26 AM
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 10:10 AM
I have much to be grateful for, and don't need to be reminded of that..... but heck, I appreciate the reminder all the same.  Not to mention the family and friend time, good food, football (if the Eagles win!!--okay, I guess I'll enjoy it anyway!) and, oh yeah, the day off work!! Enjoy the day everybody!!!
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 10:13 AM
All: Happy day to y'all as well. I am nursing a torn Rotator Cuff - the pain is biblical let me assure you. I can't even play guitar!!!!!!! But at least I can eat! Game on. -D
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 10:33 AM
Thanks and Happy Thanksgivings to all I'll be with the inlaws who are really great! Every year it's a big meal with turkey or Tur'En (just turkey n chicken), potatoes, vegetables, shrimp, and other stuff including desserts (pumpkin pie, apple pie, pineapple n coconut cream pie) and various sweet slices (mostly chocolate fudge slices). ---- Later on we all play a game of trivia (we separate into teams) it's always a lot of fun.
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 11:18 AM
I certainly have much to be thankful for! One comes to mind is that I have healthy rotator cuffs! Sorry to hear of your pain Don. Go easy on the perkasets especially if you indulge in an adult breverage. . . . . or two (LOL) Happy Thanksgiving to all !! Rich
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RE: Happy Thanksgiving - To Those It Applies TO
November 27, 08 11:39 AM
Happy Native American Oppression Day to all of you. Just remember you're a bunch of traitors and you owe us some serious back taxes! Just hand your keys in at the Dover reception please. I thank you.