Have to Turn All Gains And Levals Down To Nothing To Record!

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2010/11/19 21:37:34 (permalink)

Have to Turn All Gains And Levals Down To Nothing To Record!

I have multiple issues.
#1- Useing fast track pro, the only driver mode I can use is WDM/KS, on any other mode, I cant choose FT Pro as a input, does it matter? ASIO seems to be popular... why? And today 4 some reason I cant choose a output on the track, but if I goto Options/audio/drivers tab, I can uncheck all the outputs except the FT Pro, to force the output on the track say FT Pro. (yesterday I picked FT Pro right on the track no prob....?) 
#2- I am using A Boss Mega Distortion pedal, and no matter if I turn all the gains down, on the pedal and on the FT Pro, even the gain on track, the sound bars are in the red so its wwwwaYYY  over the top and just records noise. I basicly have to record just listening to my electric guitar strings with no volume. Plus there is a HUGE delay, yesterday there was no delay.... wierd. But, I can however record when I mic the amp. It solves the delay problem because its loud as heck and the recording sounds alright, but is there a way to clean up the backround noise?
Sorry I guess these arent really big issues, but I just would like to know why things are the way they are.... I bought this deadly computer just for recording, and was told to never hook it to the net, but how do I update M Audio drivers or other updates if I cant hook it up? ( I use my wifes tiny pink laptop to talk in the forums :>)
Thanks, any answers would be great!

Processor: AMD Phenom  Dual Core 3.92GHz
Memorey:  4 GB
System Type: 64 bit
Windows 7 Home Premium
M Audio Fast Track Pro
M Audio Axiom 25 Midi Controller
Sonar Home Studio 7 Software

Thank you to My Wife for putting up with my Hobby.

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    Re:Have to Turn All Gains And Levals Down To Nothing To Record! 2010/11/19 22:58:27 (permalink)
    Its hard taking something out of an already recorded track. There are tools to do this, but its best to solve your noise problem and then record.
    Recording amps is done all the time without a bunch of noise being recorded in the tracks,

    Have you tried gates. If your miking an amp, you should be using pads on the microphones or on the mic preamps itself.

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    Re:Have to Turn All Gains And Levals Down To Nothing To Record! 2010/11/19 23:10:39 (permalink)
    CJay is it?
    Thanks for your advice, I will def research "Gates" I have heard of it before, but not sure what it is. Or even "Pads" not sure, I have alot of learning to do!
    Ya, I was playing around with the effects, (the Re verb and the Equalizer, wow I got this killer sound, so excited, but the background fuzz is super annoying. I hope i can rid of it!
    Thanks again!

    Processor: AMD Phenom  Dual Core 3.92GHz
    Memorey:  4 GB
    System Type: 64 bit
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    M Audio Fast Track Pro
    M Audio Axiom 25 Midi Controller
    Sonar Home Studio 7 Software

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    Re:Have to Turn All Gains And Levals Down To Nothing To Record! 2010/11/19 23:42:26 (permalink)
    Yeah, you do need to update the drivers for the Fast Track. Do that on your wife's computer, copy the driver update to a disk or USB thumb drive then load it on the new computer. They have good ASIO drivers, I read.
    Why ASIO and not WDM or MME? I don't really have an answer to that. Many folks use WDM with no problems and not much latency to speak of. I think ASIO is newer. It works great for me.
    One definite advantage is that with ASIO drivers, you can only use 1 device, therefore all sound card conflicts and incompatibilities are gone. Theoretically.
    There is also a newer Windows driver called WASAPI. I have only heard from one forumite who has tried it, but he got decently low latency.
    The Fast Track has a software mixer which allows you to set inputs, outputs  and levels. Did you open it and try to reduce the input level? And for everyone's benefit, the gain and level meters in a Cakewalk track don't have anything to do with recording; those are just output level controls. All input levels will be set in the software mixers and/or hardware devices.
    That delay you mentioned is the aforementioned latency. While using WDM or MME drivers, go to Options>Audio and move the latency slider to the Fast side. Going too far can cause stutters, pops and clicks or outright audio dropout, where all sound stops. So move it a little bit at a time until you get to a point when the delay isn't too bad and there is no undesirable noise.
    Reading your post again makes me think it's not latency. Delay while recording the Boss line in but no delay when miking the amp?
    Anyway, go to Options Audio and tell us what the reported latency is.

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    Re:Have to Turn All Gains And Levals Down To Nothing To Record! 2010/11/20 00:17:18 (permalink)
    CJay is it?

    Its CJ and I hope this helps you...
    Pads are Attenuators that are built into a microphone and/or pre-amps. They attenuate the signal level. Most pre-amps and mics have them built into them. A 20dB pad is common.
    Gates opens and close when the signal passes across the threshold. The VCA in a Gate/Expander will turn everything down below the threshold and the VCA in a compressor will turn everything down above the threshold. When the gate closes behind the sound, the gate doesn't open back up until the audio signal is above the threshold.
    Gates are good for getting rid of ambient room noise. for example a noisy electric guitar.
    Gates can be used as effects. They are commonly used on drum tracks to give it that 80's Phil Collins snare drum sound.

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    Re:Have to Turn All Gains And Levals Down To Nothing To Record! 2010/11/21 12:57:01 (permalink)
    You must be using the wrong drivers so go download the correct version. I have a FT pro and one thing you might have missed is there is a pad button on the pre amps. You need to set it up so that the peak light only flickers on hard hits. Play around with the buttons and the pad. I plug my guitar in to one side and the other side is set for the mike. These are entirely different settings. Use the headphones to listen. 
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