Help! I can't find my input!

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2011/09/16 18:49:09 (permalink)

Help! I can't find my input!

Alright, first and foremost - here's the product I'm using: I'm working on an HP Pavillion dv6 Notebook with stock/factory everything. Here's my problem: I've got the program installed, got the cable plugged in. I even played around with importing MIDI tracks written in another program. All of this worked out just fine, until I tried to record from my guitar. I've got the guitar plugged into the 1/4->USB cable included with the software package, but it doesn't seem to be registering as a valid Input method. My 3 available Inputs are the Left Mono Microphone interface, the Right Mono Microphone interface, and the Stereo Microphone interface. My first time trying to record a track, nothing wanted to play back at all. I eventually got it to play back while I was recording, but promptly realized the program was recording through the microphone that's built into the laptop. Top it off with some ridiculous feedback when I tried switching USB ports, and here I am on the forums, looking for someone who actually knows how to run the program. Any thoughts?

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    Re:Help! I can't find my input! 2011/09/17 00:19:14 (permalink)
    Welcome to the forum.
    Is the USB device recognized by Windows?
    When you go to Options>Audio in MC, what is available for Record Device and Playback Device? Under the Drivers tab in Options>Audio, what drivers are available and selected? And what Driver Mode is selected?
    I don't think you'll get good results with this set up, though. Many have tried, and ultimately get an audio interface designed for recording, but let us know what those settings are. 

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    Re:Help! I can't find my input! 2011/09/17 10:35:45 (permalink)
    It should show up in the audio input devices available list. 

    I recall a number of people trying to use these things in the past and having very mixed results. Some can get them to work OK and some can not. 

    What sound card are you using? It is probably easier to get a normal cord and an adapter to 1/8th and plug straight into the computer's sound card. with the right driver mode, you should be able to record the guitar. (MME for a factory sound card)

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