Help! I'm pulling out my hair
..and I don't have much to start with!
OK.. here is the deal. I've upgraded to X1.
I'm using Addictive Drums and dragging/dropping midi tracks into my project. When I play it back it plays perfectly. When I arm my guitar track and start to record, I get a delay in the playback of my MIDI drum tracks that corresponds with the exact count in on the metronome.
Example: if i set count in to 1 measure.. I hear click, click, click, click then dead air for a measure, then the midi drum track plays (but a measure behind what the now time is).
I've searched all over the web and find others have this problem and unfortunatly everyone always has the same response which is "just insert some empty measures and turn off the count in". Even heard that there is a "bug" with the metronome.
This is completely unexceptable to me and here is why:
I have a template that I created that does NOT exibit this behavior! At some point I had figured out the issue, fixed it, and saved the project template. My problem is that I can't remember for the life of me what I did or where I did it to fix the issue! I do remember it literally being a "one click fix".
Does ANYONE know what to do in order to fix this? Yes, its true I have a template that doesn't do this but I'm guessing that most of you on here are like me and this type of thing will drive you crazy. I was up until 3:30am looking/comparing all the options in preferences and finally threw in the towel.
This only happens on recording.. again, the playback is fine and its not a latency issue.
Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to assist with this.