Re:Help finding the right PC.
2012/03/11 13:45:42
Hi...For music production I'll go with a desktop. About the MB you should research for the newer one for ram, HD capacity as enough space for others hardware you might want to ad in the future. You can always use a laptop but you'll be limited on the amount of tracks you can work in the project. I'm not a pro but I know a desktop computer is more powerful than a laptop unless you pay a lot of money for an i7 laptop or equivalent. I hope my info help you some how.
Asus P6T Motherboard Intel LGA1366 Platform
Intel Quad Core™i7 920 Processor
6 gigs DDR3 Ram
Windows 7pro 64 bit
Roland GW-7 workstation
Korg Padkontrol
M-Audio U Control Uc 33
1010 LT Delta Sound Card
Project 5 V2.51
Sonar X1 Producer
Komplete 5
Garritan 4