Re:Help please. Cropping levels
2011/03/03 14:42:17
Well, there are some things you can try, sure. You should let us know what kind of tools you have. What is your DAW platform, especially what editing tools you may have. In MC5 you can pull up the recording even if it's a single audio track, and carefully Select (Edit/ from now / till now being careful to just nudge the one tiny second you've got the worst noise...) and then use the Process Audio/Gain to try dropping the gain like -6db at a time, and see if that makes it accceptable. I also use the free downloadable Audacity editor at times, which can often enlarge the area into a bigger space and allow you a more precise form of the same edit. Beyond that, I don't know of anything more professional you can do if it's already mixed into one audio file. You'd have to have it broke down into discreet tracks like a CW Project file, to do better. Good luck, hope that helped!