storms ive seen crazier things are your exports coming out?..mine are hit or miss with the mp3 player.
Hey Charlie - I didn't spend the 20 bucks for the MP3 player on principle. I always export to wav and if I need an MP3 I drag the file into a Pyro preset - simple. Years ago they had a sweet deal on Pyro for Sonar users so I picked it up cheap - may as well use it. Now I use Pyro for lots of audio stuff when I don't want to crank up Sonar - including ripping audio from youtube videos ;-). I digress...
So anyway... I haven't really noticed any problems exporting to wav. And, I don't use Sonar to create MP3s. Aside from that freaky progress bar episode, I haven't had any problems yet.
Hipatitis (n): Terminal coolness.
Platinum on Win 7 Intel i7 870 8GB Ram Crucial SSD WD Raptor 10K RPM TC Electronic StudioKonnekt48 Akai MPK49