How To Synch Audio Tracks

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July 05, 17 1:35 PM (permalink)

How To Synch Audio Tracks

I have some old 4-track cassette master tapes.  I don't have my old 4-track recorder.  I bought a 2-track player for about $15 to dump my old tapes to digital files on my computer.  As you might guess when I open them in Music Creator 6 and I reverse the backwards tracks and try to synch them up they don't exactly match because the tape speed is a little bit off during the process.
The old tapes aren't worth enough for me to spend $100-$200 for a new 4-track recorder.  I can live with some imperfections in the synching of the tracks.  If the song is that important I may re-record it.  My question is do you have any tips for getting them reasonably close without spending many hours cutting and moving the tracks?  Specifically, if I find one track moves a little faster than the other can I stretch the audio clip a small amount and have that stretching applied over the entire track?

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    Re: How To Synch Audio Tracks July 05, 17 2:41 PM (permalink)
    That is called slip-stretching. Definitively work in Sonar, but I just googled and Music Creator 7 mention it in the Time tool.

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