... that said, you should be able to move your recordings, whether midi or audio to align them (e.g. a guitar recording to your drum track) - either by hand (i.e. click-hold-dragging with the mouse when the move tool icon shows on mouse over) or by using the nudge feature, which has useful keyboard shortcuts:
h t t p
: / / w w w .cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=
Creator 6 Touch&language=4&help=Arranging.22.html#1470894
(sorry, not allowed to properly post links yet)
Select the clips and then use these.
For adjusting individual notes, you have to either change the track view to "notes" (there is a dropdown menu in the track header that may currently show "clips" - change that to "notes") to edit them or open the track in the piano roll view. In either of these views, you can drag around individual notes, or a selection of notes (lasso with rightclick-drag).
An important concept for both ways (clips or notes) is the snap function:
h t t p
: / / w w w .cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=
Creator 6 Touch&language=4&help=ControlBar.3.html#1221809
If this is inactivated, you can move by any amount, if it is activated, notes or clips will snap in increments set by the snap tool -. click and hold the snap tool icon in the control bar to change the setting.
post edited by Hemul - 2014/06/17 09:03:17