How does Cakewalk x64 find and use 32/64 VSTs?
I recently switched to Cakewalk x64 after being a long-time SONAR x32 user.
I have many 32-bit VSTs and in most cases, I also have the 64-bit version of same.
My question is, for existing projects, how does Cakewalk decide which VST to load? Does it intelligently use the 64-bit one, now that I'm opening the project in x64? It doesn't seem to.
Is this because, though my VST Folder list includes both C:\VST32 and C:\VST64, the \VST32 is first in the list? Does the order of the folders make a difference?
Is there a way of finding out which plugins are being used in an open project? Specifically, which .dll (32 or 64) is used?
For example, I've used GSI VB3 (32-bit). It's in my projects. I've installed both .dlls in my VST directories. I *think* that Cakewalk is still using the 32-bit version, but I'm not sure. The Plugin Manager only shows one instance of VB3, the C:\VST32 one.
I feel like there should be an FAQ that covers all this, so please direct me there... Otherwise, thank you for your patience and please advise me if you can.