Re:How to access 2nd Fantom Synth in 2nd VS700R from Sonar 8.5.3
2012/04/29 19:44:57
Hi bnova,
if your 2nd Fantom isn't appearing in your 'Insert Synth' list, it's likely that you'll need to go back to your original installation disk and do a custom install for that component. When you get to choosing the components to install, uncheck everything except the very last 4 options at the bottom of the list. From memory, it's the '2nd editor for 2nd Fantom synth' that you need to choose. When you have installed that component, you'll need 1st to check that the dll. file for the 2nd Fantom is in your VST folder and then to re-scan before Sonar recognises the new editor. Actually I found with 8.5.3 that I actually needed to reset my VST scan option (in Plugin manager) since simply re-scanning didn't work. Best to restart Sonar after the rescan and check back that the 2nd Fantom appears in your Insert Synth list.
I believe (though I'm not at my DAW computer right now) that you can also only run the latest 'Fantom VS editor and ARX editor' update, available at the bottom of the 'updates' list on the CW support page. This I think can also install the missing 2nd editor and gives you the choice in the same way.
I also recently bought a 2nd VS700R unit because I wanted the extra 10 outs and was quite excited about having a 2nd Fantom and ARX slot, however I've found a few 'sticking' points with the 2nd Fantom. Perhaps other dual Fantom users or CW guys can help here, though I have a feeling the issue is inherent to the limits of the design - which is also fine, it's the extra pres and the outs I really want.
The issue I have: When I have either the 1st OR 2nd Fantom loaded as VST plugins everything is smooth as silk, functions perfectly and saving a project with only one instance always re-opens to exactly those settings again, no error messages, just the way it should be.
Now, if I load my 2nd Fantom and setup the midi so that all boxes show the appropriate Fantom unit then things start to slip - my feeling is that both instances are listed as 'Device 17' and there is some cross-communication between the 2; however I can't seem to change device ID. While I make one of the editors active and audition patches, play with automation etc things work fine. If I then make the 2nd editor active (simply by clicking on it) I will now have lost the midi settings I previously entered in the 1st instance. I can of course re-enter these values, but as soon as I activate a different window, the Fantom which was last used loses its midi setup options.
Whenever I save, close and re-open a project with 2 active Fantoms, both settings are scrambled, by which I mean that the midi settings box for each instance contains both Fantom 1 and Fantom 2 values. Hence, at least in my setup using both Fantoms is a little less than practical. Love the concept though.
I probably should say that at the time of writing I have all recommended patches installed for 8.5.3 including the Fantom VS editor and ARX editor installer patch which I highly recommend running if you own the VS700 SET. The firmware on all units is the most recent (1.30, 1.30 and 1.31) and VS700 drivers are version 2.00.
Actually, I'm usually hard pushed to use all voices from all parts of my 1st Fantom so I'm not too worried about this, but if anyone does know how I can get both Fantoms working smoothly I'd be grateful.
Bnova, I'm sure this wasn't what you wanted to read but possibly others can chime in with fixes for this issue. I wonder how many users actually run dual VS700R's?