How to test that latency setting is correct?
Hi to All,
I've searched for test/check methods of latency setting is correct, but maybe it's me, have not found working link, method.
I am using Sonar Platinium with Focusrite Scarlet USB soundcard and successfully configured ASIO in and out. All is working.
I can open the ASIO panel and set sample rate and buffer size, and I also found the "Sync and Caching" in Sonar preferences and see that latency was set according my ASIO driver settings. (Use ASIO reported latency)
I would like to to the simplest recording: Import a backing track, then play and record guitar over it. I did it successfully, by sending the imported backing track output to my Focusrite soundcard.
When playing back the recording and the backing track it sounds good and in sync, but I would like to check somehow more exactly that the applied latency compensation is correct.
Is there any professional way to do this?