I DID IT :) Korg M50 + editor and Sonar X1
It took me few hours of using "f-words" and other spells, but finally I have succeed.
TASK: - use Korg M50 as a masterkeyboard AND using Korg's plugin-editor inside Sonar. AT ONCE.
DIFFICULTY LEVEL: HIGH - if you load Korg's VST editor, it won't communicate with M50 til you disable M50 MIDI IN in Sonar's preferences
- if you do the step above - Sonar will not receive what you play on M50 keyboard
SOLUTION: - run jBridge to make M50 plugin editor 64bit compatible
- after running Sonar go to M50 synthesizer Global Settings and turn local ON
- don't activate MIDI IN from M50 synth in SONAR's Preferences
- add a softsynth: M50 plugin-editor
with stereo AUDIO track and
MIDI OUTPUT enable -
don't even touch any settings in this audio track! Don't delete this track! -
don't change any settoings in softsynth MIDI track too! Leave it on MIDI channel 1. - in the M50 editor main window go to GLOBAL and click "enbable MIDI OUT" (or similar)
- add another audio track with AUDIO IN from inputs where M50 is connected to get AUDIO from Korg M50
- you can see in MIDI routing (on other MIDI tracks) that there are MIDI OUTS from Korg M50 editor
- MIDI mesages from M50 are here!
RESULTS: - you can use your M50 as a masterkeyboard even without enabling MIDI IN from M50 in Sonar's preferences
- you can use M50 editor-plugin inside Sonar and don't loose functionality of synthesizer as a masterkeyboard
- If you change M50's mode to SEQ, you can add up to 15 MIDI tracks (16 with main track) with outputs to different MIDI channels of "M50 sound" to get full multi-timbrality of this synthesizer
post edited by adrian4u - 2011/10/04 10:18:34