I can't figure out how to use my USB KEYSTATION 61 with my SONAR 6! HELP!

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September 05, 11 10:32 PM (permalink)

I can't figure out how to use my USB KEYSTATION 61 with my SONAR 6! HELP!

Hello im a new music producer.
I just bought a Sonar 6 program and a USB 61 KEYSTATION MIDI KEYBOARD..
How exactly are you suppose to use this instrument in Sonar 6?
I know you have to go to options (midi devices) and click on usb keystation 61. But I can't get the the keyboard to make a sound! I got a EMU sound card and two speakrs, im using a digital amplifier stereo..

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    Re:I can't figure out how to use my USB KEYSTATION 61 with my SONAR 6! HELP! September 06, 11 3:23 AM (permalink)
    you have to set midi (keyboard) in and audio out - have you loaded any soft synth in sonar? 

    V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 
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    Re:I can't figure out how to use my USB KEYSTATION 61 with my SONAR 6! HELP! September 06, 11 12:44 AM (permalink)
    how do you do that?
    Yes I have,
    ive actually used the keyboard once when my friend set it up. but then I went on a trip and came back and my little brother changed alot on my computer. And I forgot how my friend did it.
    Kalle Rantaaho
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    Re:I can't figure out how to use my USB KEYSTATION 61 with my SONAR 6! HELP! September 25, 11 11:02 AM (permalink)
    Check the Help file for MIDI and soft synths. Tutorial #4 should be it.

    SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre  -  Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc.
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