I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6

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January 17, 16 2:12 AM (permalink)

I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6

I inserted a new synth using all synths audio outputs.  I made a different part for each output and they play as expected when I hit the preview for each part.  That is, the audio outputs are in the proper channels.  But when I play back the midi recording only the first part plays.  I suppose it is a simple thing but I can not figure it out so any help is appreciated.

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    Re: I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6 January 17, 16 12:33 AM (permalink)
    Not sure if this will be helpful..... but it describes how to set TTS up properly using the channels in TTS. It's from my website. While it refers to my set up and rig, simply substitute your sound card and you should be OK.
    ADVANCED TTS set up and operation.

    You only need one instance of TTS to be able to play 16 different midi tracks as 16 different instruments. In this demo I will explain just how you accomplish this by starting with 3 midi tracks and one instance of TTS.

    So…open a new project ( I opened a normal project and deleted the audio track and then inserted the midi tracks needed and then inserted the soft synth) and insert 3 midi tracks and one instance of TTS. I have:
     Track 1 midi piano
     Track 2 midi bass
     Track 3 midi strings
     Track 4 Cakewalk TTS1-1 (audio track this is where TTS lives in this project)

    Use the track icons…it makes it ease to know what track you are working on.

    Understand that this is just a basic setup of TTS to show you how to setup multiple instruments in one instance of TTS and get it all working.

    Set Track 1 (piano)

    Input FR channel 6
    Output 2-Cakewalk TTS1-1
    Channel 1
    Key 0
    Bank & patch = piano

    Set track 2 (bass)

    Input FR channel 6
    Output 2-Cakewalk TTS1-1
    Channel 2
    Key -12
    Bank & patch = bass

    Set track 3 (strings)

    Input FR channel 6
    Output 2 Cakewalk TTS1-1
    Channel 3
    Key 0
    Bank & patch = strings

    A NOTE about my set up..... Notice that all 3 tracks are using the same input....FR channel 6. (Focusrite=FR) This allows all three channels to “hear” the midi keyboard which I have set to transmit on channel 6.
    I could set each channel input to a different channel. By doing so I have to change the midi keyboard to transmit on that channel....none of the other channels will hear it, and that can be very useful in recording as you will see shortly.

    By setting all 3 channels to the same midi input channel (channel 6) I am able to play all the parts into the three channels with out changing the midi transmit channel on my DX27S. I arm track 1 and record my parts doing the same for the next two tracks. Since the outputs are set to different channels they are sending their midi data to different channels in the TTS synth. The synth looks at the channel number, and routs that data to that channel and applied the patch & bank info you assigned to it and it carries out those instructions. The result is that you hear 3 different instruments playing from your speakers.

    My website & music: www.herbhartley.com

    MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW   
    Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface


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    Re: I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6 January 17, 16 12:49 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the quick reply...  I tried to work through your link on the forum a few days ago, unsuccessfully.  You have now convinced me more than ever I am just doing something dumb.  I will be away from my computer for a couple of days but will work through your instructions carefully when I return.  Again, thanks.
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    Re: I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6 January 20, 16 1:29 AM (permalink)
    I worked through your directions above and can get multiple instruments on multiple tracks, using different parts in TTS-1.  However, I thought it was possible to put multiple instruments on one track.  That is, I wanted to play my keyboard into a single midi track and use TTS-1 to generate both strings and bass on this single track.  That way they would adjust together (volume, for example).  Maybe that is not even possible.
    Regardless, I have made progress and can get what I need by using a separate track for each instrument.  If you have any further comments I am very interested but will continue down my present path for now.  Thanks for your help.
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    Re: I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6 January 20, 16 8:58 AM (permalink)
    I worked through your directions above and can get multiple instruments on multiple tracks, using different parts in TTS-1.  However, I thought it was possible to put multiple instruments on one track.  That is, I wanted to play my keyboard into a single midi track and use TTS-1 to generate both strings and bass on this single track.  That way they would adjust together (volume, for example).  Maybe that is not even possible.
    Regardless, I have made progress and can get what I need by using a separate track for each instrument.  If you have any further comments I am very interested but will continue down my present path for now.  Thanks for your help.

    Not to my understanding.... each instrument will have it's own midi source track and exist in a different TTS channel.

    Do not confuse this with the ability to play a midi track you get off the internet in a music player and have it play all sorts of instruments from what appears to be a single midi track. As I understand it, that is a totally different midi format which allows that.... someone else who understands that could elaborate in a bit more detail on that aspect of midi.

    For our purposes here.... one midi track equals one TTS channel and one instrument sound per track.

    My website & music: www.herbhartley.com

    MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW   
    Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface


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    Re: I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6 January 20, 16 11:03 AM (permalink)
    I wish all the help discussions and writings were that direct and that succinct.  Again, thanks for your help.
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    Re: I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6 January 20, 16 11:51 AM (permalink)
    It does not have to be one track-one instrument. There are a couple of ways to have multiple instruments in the same track. here is one way:
    1) Set the Record Mode to Sound on Sound
    2) Set the instrument I want to record in TTS-1 on channel 1
    3) Set the instrument/MIDI track header to none.
    4) Record the track
    To change the MIDI data in the current take lane to another channel:
    5) Set the channel in the instrument or MIDI track header
    6) Select the take lane
    7) Select "Bounce To Clips" from the Track View Clips menu.
    The MIDI clips in the selected take lane are now set to the channel assigned in the track header. Change the TTS-1 instrument to the new channel. The bounce step is necessary because simply changing the channel info in step 3 or 5 does not actually write the channel into the MIDI notes.
    Repeat steps 2 through 7 as needed to build up the track.
    I do not work this way though preferrring to use one channel per track. In the case of automating volume, I do that on the audio tracks and buses. It is possible though to do it all on the MIDI tracks but it may not be as easy especially given the limited tools in MC. SONAR makes it a little easier. Both however have their limits when working with MIDI in take lanes.
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    Re: I can't get multiple outputs from TTS-1 in MC6 January 22, 16 0:08 PM (permalink)
    Very interesting...  I have never used a take lane before and I am not sure I yet understand them but I have accomplished what I wanted now.  I also normally separate the instruments as you say but this was a one time tiny project.  What frustrated me was not being able to understand the process.  With all the help above I feel much much better.  I appreciate all the help,
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