Re: I have somehow lost/deleted my master track in a project
2017/09/03 22:46:55
Okay... rereading (but the above post is still valid/in play) it's sounding more like you have a current project on the go (so templates and whatnot won't help in this case for this project) that you somehow "deleted" or are not seeing your Master bus.
How/where did you "Delete" your "Mastering Options"? (This is just a broader version of the question(s) I asked in the OP)
Do you know what the "Track Manager" is and how to use it (it's in the manual)? Check to see if you just hid it.
What is the termination point of all the tracks/busses in the project set to? Basically what is the last point in the chain in the project BEFORE it heads out to your hardware? Can you HEAR an output through you interface/headphones/etc?