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I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
HI, Newbie to the forum but not to recording. I've been using MC2 for years to lay drum tracks in real audio which I send to my keyboardist who does his thing, and then back and forth. When my hard drive crapped out , my wife bought me a new computer [ I can hear you all moaning because you know what's coming] - An HPE9210t with a quad 8300, 2.5 ghz, and 6 gig Ram. Windows 7, 64 bit . Nice computer but now none of my old programs work. I've finished dealing with the video problems so I'm here in hopes you folks can help me address the recording problems. After contacting Cakewalk tech support they told me MC2 would not work with windows 7 but MC5 would, as well as Sonar. I don't need a program as complicated as Sonar so I opted for MC5. I've downloaded the 5.05 patch . I also changed sound cards to a new ASUS Xonar Essence STX . I have a latency issue even with the switch as low as it can go. I cannot monitor the drums as I'm playing them thru my headphones- I can hear them thru the speakers, but with lag. I'm hoping someone can tell me if I can expect this program to work with what I have, or should I have to purchase something else to make it work. All I want to do is lay drum tracks with my Roland e-drums, one track at a time, with real audio. Real simple. any help would be greatly appreciated, even if I have to buy something else. thanks a lot !
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 4:12 PM
OK... the sound card probably needs to be a dedicated USB type audio interface with at least 2 audio inputs. MC5 only supports 2 at a time so more is overkill. Most of the factory cards have bad latency issues so.... no surprise there. Also, even though MC5 is W-7 compliant, I think it needs to be run in a 32 bit mode. Sonar on the other hand I believe is 64 bit ready. Yeah... it will work just fine, but it helps to have the right gear, and a USB interface is part of that gear.
My website & music: www.herbhartley.com MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 5:09 PM
ASUS Xonar Essence STX this is not a low latency recording soundcard. sorry - I wish you had come here asking for help BEFORE you invested money in a soundcard. check my website for soundcard recommendations. you MIGHT be able to get it to work with low latency by moving the latency slider in OPTIONS>AUDIO toward the FAST side. but likely you'll start getting popping and clicking during playback and recording with it on the FAST side.
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 5:30 PM
thanks for the replies ! Beagle, is what guitarhacker says correct ? Do I need a sound card with a USB input ? With a breakout box ? I was looking at those and the conflict I have is that the card must also fit a PC express slot , not a PCI slot. Is the Asus card you're using, the P867 a low latency card, which would fit. If not, what would you guys recommend ? Really appreciate the help , thank you !
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 7:28 PM
I was checking on your equipment Beagle and I see the Asus is the motherboard, not the sound card, my mistake. And the Motu is your interface. Very nice equipment but more than I need for my use. I've moved the latency switch to the extreme many times and I'm still getting too much of a delay. I can return the sound card, that's not a problem. Tried to access the info on your site but it seemed to be down. I will try again in a while. Can someone comment about the Creative Titanium card - it says it's windows 7 compliant and it fits PC Express slots ? I had an Audigy 2 in my old computer which worked fine with Windows XP. Guitar Hacker and Beagle I appreciate your help and your patience. thank you .
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 8:24 PM
Return the sound card if the return period is still open as you indicate. M-Audio makes some good interfaces as does Focusrite. The right USB interface will definitely make a difference. The factory and gamer sound cards do OK for games and music and video, but they can not handle the load placed on them by Music Creator. Get a card/interface that is designed to do recording and it will make a huge difference.
My website & music: www.herbhartley.com MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 8:53 PM
What Guitarhacker means is "don't get a Sound Blaster". They are also not designed for recording. M-Audio, Presonus, Focusrite, E-Mu (the 'professional' line of interfaces made by Creative), and the Roland/Cakewalk line of inexpensive audio interfaces are some you should look at. There are others, too. Welcome to the forum.
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 8:57 PM
Yeah, I tend to overlook the cakewalk interfaces that will work well.
My website & music: www.herbhartley.com MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 10:00 PM
Thanks so much for the advice and the welcome ! My problem is that I had no idea I could use another interface other than a sound card to record. But since I had been using only MC2, I didn't know about any way other than a sound card. I've been going thru my Sweetwaer catalogue trying to figure outwhat USB interface I am going to buy . Will probably go with 6 channels at least. I need two for my drums. Hopefully I will eliminate the latency problem first. Then will work on learning MC5 intricacies. I thought I would post a link to one of the tunes my keyboardist and I created a few years ago . He uses fruity Loops and I was using MC2. It's called Captured. At the time, he was in CA and I was in NY so it was done over the internet by sending the ideas back and forth. We called ourselves Psylicon. LOL ! Thanks so much for all the help, everybody ! Peace, TED http://www.drumminfool.com/psylicon%20songs/CAPTURED.mp3
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 10:12 PM
As Guitarhacker mentioned in post #2, MC can only record 2 channels at a time, so having an interface with more than 2 is overkill... unless you're thinking about getting a program that does support more than 2 simultaneous inputs sometime in the future.
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 10:22 PM
thanks for reeling me in Greg ! You're right . I'm not ready for the Sonar learning curve yet, so I will get a 4 channel, I guess !
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 25, 11 10:30 PM
That's 2 mono channels. Either one stereo track or 2 mono tracks. I wish I could offer you some good news. I know drummers need lots of tracks, but they managed with 2 for decades.
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 26, 11 7:12 AM
There is nothing to prevent you from using a 16 channel (or more) mixer and sending the R & L channels to the 2 inputs on an interface. You could also multi track your kit by playing the song multiple times, and recording the kick and snare on the first pass, then the high hats and the cymbals on the second pass, then high and mid toms on the third and so on....putting each one into a unique track. Heck that's what I do with guitars and other things..... why not with drums. Isolate the mics for each part of the kit and you're good. Thats the beauty of MC5.
My website & music: www.herbhartley.com MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 26, 11 8:27 AM
Yes I could do that. However my modified Roland TD-6V kit only has two ouputs . I usually don't record the drum parts in pieces but rather play the kit as if I'm playing it live. the only multi-tracking on the drums comes if I want to add percussion to the regular drums. I've been considering the Mackie Onyx Blackjack . Howver, I've been reading lots of posts about people having problems with the drivers not working which is the same problem I've had with some sound cards in the past. I have a small Mackie mixer which has worked great for years for me so I don't know who to believe. I'll be talking to the guys at Sweetwater later to get their opinion. Thanks again for the responses !
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 26, 11 11:39 AM
Even though my good friend Greg is right on about the 2 input limitation in MC5, remember that if you buy a 8 input interface you can alway upgrade software down the road. Just the other day the upgrade from MC5 to Sonar essentials was just $79 So always plan ahead. This will keep growing as you grow.
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 26, 11 12:03 AM
sorry I'm late coming back. these guys have good advice here. for more soundcard recommendations look at my website.
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 26, 11 2:42 PM
After speacking with my friend at Sweetwater I ended up purchasing an AVID Mbox Mini [without the pro tools ] . It will take a few days to arrive and I will let you know how it works out - or not . Thanks to all of you who responded for your encouragement and helpful advice !
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Re:I need Lots of Advice ! LOL
July 26, 11 9:21 PM
Yeah... using a mixer is the easier way, BUT ..... If you wanted to multitrack, you could pop on the headphones, and play the full kit every time, but switch the instruments you are recording as you go to different tracks...... really doesn't sound to efficient to me, I'd do a one shot in a mixer to 2 tracks for stereo..... and let it roll.... that's IF I could play drums.
My website & music: www.herbhartley.com MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "