I have always enjoyed reading Einsteins books & writings ...
Speaking logically he is way over my head and I may not be able to understand that side of his concepts ..
On the creative side / imagination I took to Einstein like a duck takes to water ...
Something about his creativity has resounded very deep within me ...I may have only experienced it on a small level
I t could be a sympathetic vibration I may have picked up ...like a piano that hits a note and an instrument sitting on a stand that is in tune to it starts resonating the note ....either way that dude was deep ...
Sorry to push this thread further off the rails.. but it's very apt that you should mention Einstein - I must admit, I don't fully understand all of this, but the fact that he predicted it so many years ago, is quite astonishing.
Hi James , WOW , I'm glad you posted that info ...
I'm very interested in that sort of thing whether I fully understand it or not
Yep, now all the heavy duty minds of today are playing catch up with Einstein ...
Say , The Observatory at Hanford is aprox ..226 miles from where I live YAY...lol
When I was in Jr High they wanted to pull me out of regular school and send me to a science academy ...as we all know I went in a different direction... Yeah Einstein man whew ...in addition to his intellect he had some very profound powers as a human being ...
A lot of people don't realize that he balanced out his powerful intellect with contemplation , meditation and giving his imagination full access to roam and imagine freely w out limitation
He tapped into and understood that the natural state of man could be altered dramatically by doing very simple exercises while using the mind to conduct them ...that is one of the things I respect the most about him ...
also it is probably the one small thing I understand a little bit about ... the math and physics go right over my head .
My brush with that type of mental concept took place In the late 70's when I took part in an experiment with DR William Schimell ..
DR William Schimell guided me and one other person in this experiment .
He taught us both how to achieve an Alpha Wave state of consciousness at will ..
While we were in this Alpha Wave state of consciousness he taught us both the whole 4 year curriculum of the Julliard School of Music in less than 4 months ...(
did it stick ? hhmmmm I don't know ..yet honestly ,when I pick up my guitar to play it just flows on it's own )
My biological trigger consisted as the exact same way I hold my guitar pick ....which is not conventional BTW...
People may or not believe me ...if they do fine ...if they don't... I don't care ....I know what I was taught ..
I know the proper use of the mind is the gateway to full creativity and expression ...
Once the mind is trained and can be relied upon , the heart can follow
Incidentally there was a reason why I used that bio trigger ...
It allows me to open myself up to what I was taught and conditioned to do when I remember to allow the creativity that is seeking expression to flow effortlessly with out my intellect hindering it ...I do this because when I think about playing the guitar while I'm playing it ....I'm in deep $hit
nice talking with you ,
post edited by kennywtelejazz - February 12, 16 12:42 AM