Identical Latency Issue w/ multiple CW products

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July 16, 11 4:57 PM (permalink)

Identical Latency Issue w/ multiple CW products

I have been running CW Music Creator on my Window XP computer from version 1-3 which Im operating now. I have never and I repeat never had a recording latency issue. Until recentlly (a week ago) my record tracks are not synching up. I have not changed any settings as I had no reason to. Only thing that has change is that I had to install a new hard drive and reinstall windows xp along with Music Creator 3. No problems arose during the install of either. I broke down and purchased Sonar PE 7 to see if a more modern program would be the answer and the latency between tracks is the same with both programs. The tracks start off in synch but slowly degenerate out of synch as the playback progress. Ive tried changeing buffer settings, manual record latency sample settings, switched between WDM and MME modes, and nothing. I was weary to change anything as I have never had this happen before. I have a rocketfish 5.1 soundcard with the latest drivers, and my input gear is simply a mixer board (not usb fyi). Any help would be greatlly appreciated. I have a recording deadline and I just cant figure this out.

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    Re:Identical Latency Issue w/ multiple CW products July 16, 11 7:59 PM (permalink)
    latency is due to the soundcard drivers (90%) and settings in MC and/or sonar.  you probably had MC set up correctly for low latency on your old system but once you set it you don't have to set it again, so you didn't realize you needed to set it up for low latency when you reinstalled XP and MC3 on the new hard drive.

    in MC or Sonar 7 (they both work the same way) go to OPTIONS>AUDIO and move your latency slider toward the FAST side.

    this may cause popping/clicking and maybe even dropout.  I don't know anything about the rocketfish soundcard drivers except that I have heard a couple of people before you state they use it.  I'll tell you now, tho, that it's NOT a low latency recording soundcard, but it might work (and apparently it has worked for you in the past).

    if that doesn't work then try changing to ASIO driver mode.  since i don't know much about the rocketfish, I don't know if it has ASIO drivers or not, but honestly I'll be surprised if it does.

    if THAT doesn't work, google ASIO4ALL, download it, install it THEN change to ASIO driver mode.  that (hopefully) should work.
    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
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    Re:Identical Latency Issue w/ multiple CW products July 16, 11 11:39 PM (permalink)
    You sir just saved me. Done and done. Thanks so much!!!
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    Re:Identical Latency Issue w/ multiple CW products July 17, 11 3:30 PM (permalink)
    glad to help!
    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
    Yamaha MOXF6, Hammond XK3c, other stuff.
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    Re:Identical Latency Issue w/ multiple CW products July 21, 11 2:40 PM (permalink)
    The only question i would have is where does one buy Sonar 7 PE since that was released like three years ago?

    I'd Seize the day but i can't quite reach it!
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