Instrument Definitions File Location

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February 15, 16 8:34 PM (permalink)

Instrument Definitions File Location

I manually created instrument definitions for Ketron SD2 Orchestral Wizard. Though I had found the .ins file online, it was not suitable because I wanted my names to be categorized by kind, so I renamed the patches so that, for example, all acoustic guitars begin with a1 followed by the factory name (a1 Classic, a1 Country, etc) My strings begin with c1. Brass is e2. This way, I can scroll quickly to the kinds instead of searching all the banks.
Now to my question: Where does Cake store these definitions? Are they stored in the Ketron module? I don't see them in the Cake folder. Are they elsewhere in the C drive? I know they're stored because I had to reinstall Cake and discovered to my relief that the names had not been lost. 

Computer: Dell Optiplex 760 - refurbished - 4GB RAM
Operating System: Windows 10, 32-bit
Program: Music Creator 6.0 Build 50
Sound Module: Ketron SD2 Orchestral Wizard
Controller: Roland A-49
Mixer: Behringer X1204USB
Amp: Crown D-75
Speakers: JBL Control 28T

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    Re: Instrument Definitions File Location February 16, 16 7:57 AM (permalink)
    If you want to have your instruments  categorized by kind there is a way to do so; I had the same problem with my Technics sound module. Here is the way I did it. In CW/Options/Instruments you’ll find all the instruments you can use.  So no Ketron SD2 is available.
    Next click on define and all instruments are on the left. Now you make a new instrument named Ketron SD2 (right click and add instrument). In the patch names insert a new list for example acoustic and in that list you name all your favorite guitars, another list is maybe your country guitars, so for every instrument group you can make a new list. Now you have to copy every list to “patch names for banks” by drag and drop. If you close the define instruments windows and reopen it you will see Ketron in the “ assign Instruments”.  Don’t forget to “export” your new instrument list to your documents otherwise there is no back up.  As the Ketron SD2 has his own special instruments maybe you’ll find This info in the reference guide because every brand has his own ID numbers and controller method (See Help file for instrument definitions. Other  definitions  are in   My documents/Music creator/Sample content for ex. Roland ,Yamaha and others.
    I hope this is helpful for you, so have a good run

    KN6000-MC AC1200-Roland SD50- Roland Quad capture- alto AMX100, Sonar V-STUDIO 100, SONTRONICS STC-2
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