Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert

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September 16, 11 10:21 AM (permalink)

Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert

Wrote and recorded this in about 6 hours today, so it's pretty basic. I have no bass at the mo, so there's none on this, and it could do with it, but oh well. basically a couple of lead guitars, a rhythm track (all DI'd from my Peavey amp). Drums are Steven Slate, all kept as is - there's not a single effect on the mix! LOL! This is my tribute if you like to Paul Gilbert, i like how he has a sense of fun in his songs, so here ya go...rock, shred, fun times!

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 16, 11 10:34 AM (permalink)
    No bass!?  It actually sounds ok without it, but would be nice if it is there.  Great shredding and playing!


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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 16, 11 12:07 AM (permalink)
    Hi Mark, are you sure you can't squeeze more guitars in this? Love it, great variation, nice bit of shredding Gilbert style. How many E-strings did you use ?   I want more......

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 16, 11 1:33 PM (permalink)

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 16, 11 9:09 PM (permalink)
    6 hours? That alone is stunning enough. Incredible playing!!
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 16, 11 9:50 PM (permalink)
    Mark, this was absolutely amazing!  Killer performance as always.  I love it!

    Luke Sarro
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 17, 11 7:59 AM (permalink)
    Vicente - yeah, there's scope for some interesting bass playing on this one too...could get some shred bass! Rik - this is the first time i've really put the my new Ibanez Prestige through its paces - and oh boy it passed with flying colours...doubt i could have played some of this stuff on my old guitar! John - thanks for stopping by! Janet - well I don't spend a long time on my songs - most of 'em get done in a day...some of the takes for the leads on this were the longest I have ever spent on a piece - the 'Scottish' type riff took me about 30 goes to nail! Doesn't sound too hard but a mix of alternate picking and sweeps...and then trying to play the harmony part...sheesh! Luke - cheers, I am quite pleased with how this turned out, first time i think I can look the likes of Batsbrew and Marcos in the eye and not feel sub-par!

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 17, 11 10:48 AM (permalink)
    Impressive guitar playing!

    could definitely do with some bass but apart from that it sounded good fun! Was it fun to record?


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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 17, 11 2:43 PM (permalink)
    Wow Mark, don't know how you manage to keep producing music like this.
    I really enjoyed this, and yes, the super fast parts too.

    The guitar at the beginning had a Mike Oldfield vibe to it...real sweet.

    Real fun track.
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 17, 11 4:15 PM (permalink)
    Hey Mark I used to be a fan of Racer X back in the day too!  I liked your 'anthem' type part around through the 2 minute mark and really liked the octave tapping licks around 3:15.  Good stuff, finger get tired?  Nice shreddin' ...we need some Bass, wheres Stu Hamm??

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 18, 11 10:18 AM (permalink)
    Yer a madman..

    Nice one Mark, made me smile. Going to chuck yet another obscure name at you - Horslips (they didn't shred like you though )


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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 18, 11 12:05 AM (permalink)
    Hi Mark,

    6 hours, huh? Bastard Amazing!

    Great playing ( obviously ) and outstanding composition and arranging.

    Bass would be nice but, if you hadn't mentioned that there was none I may not have noticed.

    Love it!


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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 18, 11 9:39 PM (permalink)
    Bass would be nice but the song is so cool and the performance is so incredible I didn't really notice.
    Freddy J
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 19, 11 4:15 AM (permalink)
    Hi, Mark,

    Very cool, tasty, refreshing instrumental!  Great playing, as always, and the shred tone was spot on for Gilbert's style.  I still remember running out to buy the first Mr. Big release on cassette when I first heard "Addicted to that Rush" on the car radio.

    Nice work, brother, have a good one!
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 19, 11 5:38 AM (permalink)
    Terry - cheers, yes it does need bass. maybe i'll pick one up this week... Mark - sometimes you get on a real roll with music, and you just have to let it keep coming. This tends to be how i work - record 'em fast! i'd be a record labels dream, lol! Mike - Stu Hamm, yeah he'd do. yes my fingers were tired...which is why the solo near the end (with the bridge pup, which sounds a bit thinner) is so rubbish! James - madman? shurely not? Horslips, well this has one Celtic-type riff i suppose!

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 19, 11 5:42 AM (permalink)
    Gary - hey, if i spent some time on this stuff, i'd have no excuses for the mistakes, slips, mis-edits and crap mix, right?! Freddy - thanks for the kind words. I am pleased with some of my licks in this, have to keep working on it so i can play them in less than 20 takes though...Bob, funny enough I am not a huge Paul Gilbert fan, though I love that song 'technical ecstacy' by Racer X, but every song i hear by him tends to be a bit tongue in cheek, and that sense of fun is present in this, i hope.

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 20, 11 8:54 PM (permalink)
    yup yup yup.....a thrilling ride!!!
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 21, 11 5:29 AM (permalink)
    Excellent! I love the clean guitars at the onset. The rest of the guitars are total ear candy as well. Great shredding, man! Sounds great for 6 hours of work!!!

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 21, 11 9:35 AM (permalink)
    Shoot, man, you can play!

    Didn't miss the bass, either.
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 22, 11 12:47 AM (permalink)
    Tom - howdy! Well, sounds like what my wife terms my driving...oh no, she means 'too fast and bloody awful'... Scott - you will be pleased to hear I have borrowed my sister's violin...and sheesh it's difficult! not so much the fingerings, but the bow control, and then trying to play at that ridiculous angle...thanks for listening dude! James - Wish i cold play it all through in one go though...gonna try and get a bass in the next few weeks, i do miss it making mixes so much harder to balance!

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 22, 11 4:24 PM (permalink)
    Ha! Play that fiddle hot! 

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 22, 11 5:29 PM (permalink)
    Dang, bubby, I'm tired just from listening :-) I'm going to go soak my hand in hot water from sympathetic cramps. Some of those harmony runs are crazy.

    Dean Roddey
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 22, 11 9:56 PM (permalink)
    This was great - loved it.

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 22, 11 10:21 PM (permalink)
    I tried to listen Mark, but it was a soundless cloud :-( I'll try again tomorrow.
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 22, 11 10:52 PM (permalink)
    With the bass, it will be totally smashing.  Excellent orchestration.

    Great guitar work... but then as you know... there aren't any guitar players I don't like



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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 23, 11 5:52 PM (permalink)
    The highs seem a little too sharp to me, like hurt my ears a little when I try to turn it up.    Also your drums and all would have a lot more punch if you did not limit so hard it would also be more "crankable".  the performance is amazing but honestly I think since the mix isn't as good as it could be it is harder to enjoy it as much as I could.  A shame really because like I said the performance is amazing.  I would remix and remaster this.
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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 23, 11 7:49 PM (permalink)
    I think it's more Jason Becker than Paul Gilbert. Great track.

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 23, 11 9:12 PM (permalink)
    Great and clever guitar sketches and phrases.

    The extensive Scottish romp seemed a bit hyper-compressed, forcing me to slam down the volume (on my fireface) ... and my cronie ears got through 4 minutes of the guitar wars per se.

    In sum:
    splendid guitar portraits and virtuoso throughout ... doubtless honoring Paul (whom I confess I've not known/remembered ... ha ha!)

    macro and micro dynamics need more work, IMHO and/or the song shortened to 2-4 minutes ... for the croniest of folk.

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 25, 11 11:36 AM (permalink)
    Awesome workout Mark

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    Re:Instrumental - my nod to Paul Gilbert September 27, 11 7:53 PM (permalink)
    Good Gollywoggles that is hot stuff.   Most impressive not only smoking technique but packed with melodic pearls and hooks galore.   Fun all the way.


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