Instrumental, re-post (stretching audio)

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2009/01/03 15:59:41 (permalink)

Instrumental, re-post (stretching audio)

I'm re-posting this rock instrumental. It's called "Prairie Star." I stretched the audio a bit to slow it down. My question is.... Is it my tired ears or is there something wrong with this track? Is it my bad mixing or did I not use the audio stretch feature correctly. Thanks for the input.

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    RE: Instrumental, re-post (stretching audio) 2009/01/03 16:27:32 (permalink)
    go back into your project and check the BPM`s if they are up really high which is what it sounds like to me , slow it way the hell down maybe 70 to 85 , by audio streching do you mean you converted your loops into groove clips?

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    for the devil sends the beast with wrath.....
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    RE: Instrumental, re-post (stretching audio) 2009/01/04 12:01:53 (permalink)
    No, I mixed down to a stereo file and then I stretched the whole song by using audio stretch under clip properties and I also selected "groove clip" for stretching instead of percussion. I'm still new at all this. I try to get the tempo right when I record songs but this one was recorded too fast and I really want to slow the whole thing down.
    Thanks for your response.

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    Sonar Platinum 
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