Re:Is UA-1G compatible with SONAR 8 Studio
2011/08/05 12:45:33
Hi Ricky,
every millisecond? are you sure of the interval? one click every millisecond would sound very close to not having any "off time" and would likely sound like a constant tone instead.
assuming you are exaggerating on the interval, is the clicking constant and exactly the same interval each time you hear it? i.e. like a metronome? if so, turn off the metronome during playback in OPTIONS>PROJECT>METRONOME
if the clicking is random but frequent then it's probably due to low latency buffers and your system not being able to handle it. if that's the case we'll need to know your computer specs, what driver mode you are using for your UA-1G (look in OPTIONS>AUDIO) and what the numbers in milliseconds that the REPORTED LATENCY is showing you at the bottom of that same window.
there could be other reasons, but we'll start there.