Is the tube in my "Tube" mic going bad?
Some of you may recall I broke the head off of my Tube mic back in May.
See here Anyway I don't have a professional soldering rig and I was afraid to do any soldering on the mic but I did not have any choice. And yes, I removed the vacuum tube from it's sockket before I did any soldering.
I've noticed recently that my mic has been making alot of noise. Sounds like static and an ocassional crackle. I pulled it out this past weekend to do some vocal recording and once again noticed the noise. I was just putting down some ideas and didn't let it bother me. I came back a couple of hours later and the noise was gone. The mic was warm to the touch, normal I suppose once it reaches optimum operating temperature.
I haven't checked to see how long the mic has to be on before the noise goes away, maybe an hour, but I've read 15 minutes is probably the norm for a tube mic to warm up.
My question for those of you most familiar with tubes, is this an indicator the vacuum tube might be going bad? I guess I could pull the tube out and take it to a repair shop to be tested. It utilizes a 6J1 tube.
Next question is, where is a good place to purchase good quality tubes? I read about people purchasing Vintage tubes? I guess vacuum tubes are like wine? The older the better? Some insight here would be helpful.