Issue running CbB
HELP Please!!
I'm having issues with running the Bandlab version of SONAR by way of every time I start SONAR, a "Windows Installer" dialogue box appears and remains for usually 32 minutes before a “unable to reach server” message comes up, cancel out of that, then I can use SONAR normally after that. Very annoying every time I want to use the software. I have tried uninstalling it and re-installing it twice with the same issue occurring.
Additionally running the Bandlab installer has ruined my Platinum Sonar install from working at all.
It really hasn't been a smooth transition from Platinum unfortunately and in reading other posts, others seem to have had luck with slightly different install issues to mine.
Any help or pointers, greatly appreciated.
post edited by Traktorfactori - 2018/07/23 03:36:58