Re:John Deere "WHEELS" video by music produced on SONAR X1...
2012/06/20 10:51:05
This video is a hoot. I like the song, as well, but the mix doesn't work for me. The stereo spectrum is very narrow in this song with the guitars mostly being close to the center. They crowd out the lead vocal which make the lyrics harder to hear. I seem to hear an out of tune guitar in there, somewhere. I also fail to detect a bass in the crowded center, but I can hear the snare and drums with no problem. I'm not an advocate of hard panning, but these guitars could stand to be panned much wider than they are now. The separation of all the elements can be improved quite a bit. It's hard to comment on the tonality of anything at this point since there is so much competition of all the parts occurring. As good as this song and video are, it would be worth the time to spend on this mix.