Keep going or call it done?

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Re:Keep going or call it done? October 15, 11 9:47 PM (permalink)
I guess I'm listening to #2 as well. Nice guitar chops and tone. It reminded me in places of Jo Jo Gun.... ( ) especially the groove of the song.

  To me the bass needed to be more defined and fatter sounding.... heavier.  This is a good tune and properly mixed, I think it would stand alone as a rock instrumental. I'd try to loose the "live sound".... dial back the verb and make it sound good. 
post edited by Guitarhacker - October 15, 11 9:50 PM

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"Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer 
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Re:Keep going or call it done? October 20, 11 2:31 PM (permalink)
Sorry I'm SO late to the party.  I haven't read any of the comments, but I quite like this.   It keeps my interest the whole way...great playing and cool tune.  
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Re:Keep going or call it done? October 20, 11 6:43 PM (permalink)
Love Mix 2... cool riff and killer tones... Love it...
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Re:A work in progress (link fixed) October 23, 11 7:19 PM (permalink)
Thank you for listening and posting a comment.
Glad you liked my little song.
Lush drums?.............Really?
Thanks for listening and telling me what you are hearing.
It helps! Old ears or not. I am unsure about totally lost though.
I agree about the bass sound needing to be heavier. I took a little to much out
trying to tame the rumble in the first  mix. I am trying another mix backing off
the verb as you have suggested. Thanks for your input, because it does indeed
help me out.  
Thank you for you comments about my post.
The best thing about being late to the party is everyone knows your here.
Glad you enjoyed my humble offering.
You like my tone? I am excited, because you have some of the best tones going.
Thanks for liking my riff.
post edited by Thatsastrat - October 23, 11 7:45 PM

Sonar Platimum, Win10 32bit, Quad Q6600,4G DDR2 Ram, BCF2000, Lexicon Lambda interface,Tascam US 1800, WD 500 GB HD, M-Audio AV40 Monitors, Line 6 DI Gold, Guitar Rig 5 Pro, hand full of guitars, Kawia PH50 Keyboard,Digitech GNX3
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Re:A work in progress (link fixed) October 23, 11 8:43 PM (permalink)
Hard drivin mix.  Rock on.  I thought some of the tracks competed with each other for space, but it would certainly rock the house.


Daryl Crowley
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Bob Oister
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Re:A work in progress (link fixed) October 24, 11 4:29 AM (permalink)
Hi, Bruce,

I'm not sure how I missed this one, but I'm glad I got a chance to check it out, because I definitely love where this is going!

I listened to both mixes and I think I like mix 2 better.

I really like the main riff, the thick guitar tones and the harmony guitar parts.  The guitar solos around the three minute mark and during the outro are very tasty and the playing is excellent.  I do agree with Glen, that the entire mix seems almost dead center, and would improve greatly by widening out some of the rhythm instruments a little bit.

Nice job, Bruce, can't wait to hear the finished product.  Have a good one, buddy!
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Re:A work in progress (link fixed) October 28, 11 1:47 PM (permalink)
 Thanks for stopping in to give a listen.
Could you possibly give more info on what you hear fighting for space?
It would help me.
Bob Oister
Thanks for listening and sharing thoughts Bob.
I still can't seem to conjure the tones from Pod Farm that you get,
but I'm liking my results better.

Sonar Platimum, Win10 32bit, Quad Q6600,4G DDR2 Ram, BCF2000, Lexicon Lambda interface,Tascam US 1800, WD 500 GB HD, M-Audio AV40 Monitors, Line 6 DI Gold, Guitar Rig 5 Pro, hand full of guitars, Kawia PH50 Keyboard,Digitech GNX3
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Re:A work in progress (link fixed) October 28, 11 3:26 PM (permalink)
like to hear this bad boy w/vox.... finish her up laddy
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Re:A work in progress (link fixed) October 31, 11 3:37 PM (permalink)

like to hear this bad boy w/vox.... finish her up laddy
Thanks for taking the time to post a comment.
Your support is very welcomed.

Sonar Platimum, Win10 32bit, Quad Q6600,4G DDR2 Ram, BCF2000, Lexicon Lambda interface,Tascam US 1800, WD 500 GB HD, M-Audio AV40 Monitors, Line 6 DI Gold, Guitar Rig 5 Pro, hand full of guitars, Kawia PH50 Keyboard,Digitech GNX3
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