Re: Latest update disabled Midi for me
July 08, 17 9:04 PM
☄ Helpfulby Cookie Jarvis July 08, 17 10:05 PM
Check Preferences / MIDI / Playback and Recording. "Notes" should be checked.
Since you reinstalling things: %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Sonar Platinum . Thy to delete .INI files there. Start with TTSSEQ, continue with other if still nothing (but you will loose your settings).
Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity,
REAPER, Windows 10 pro
GA-EP35-DS3L, E7500, 4GB, GTX 1050 Ti, 2x500GB
RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc. - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools