Yeah, I could probably use something like this. Sorta like quick grouping envelopes.
Hi, Steve. Late reply but yeah, kind of except you could keep the group locked. That way if you clear the group (by clicking on other stuff or creating other groups) the envelopes stay linked.
I am however updating this because I was actually under the impression that you COULD quick group envelopes across tracks, and can KIND of QG them but not in any useful way.
Essentially the way the program is currently designed you can indeed create Quick Groups of multiple envelopes across multiple tracks and they, in theory, will all respond to an edit.
Unfortunately there is a very serious limitation to this envelope grouping. What happens is IMMEDIATELY after the first action you make the selection group clears itself automaticially. So you create the quick group by selecting all the lanes/envelopes you want to adjust, click once (and drag for adjustments) and the changes will occur on all the selected lanes/envelopes. However as soon as you release the mouse button all the lanes/envelopes are deselected EXCEPT for the actual lane/envelope you were editing. So you get one edit and then you have to go back and reselect all the lanes envelopes for next edit X however many edits you intend to make.
This also makes it so any envelope edits that require two clicks to cause an action are impossible because after the first click your selctions are cleared.
After about a week of trying to figure out various things for some specific automation I am trying I would actually be ecstatic if we could even do quick grouping (that stays momentarily grouped).
I have tried a bunch of other stuff to workaround these issues as well (such as putting everything into an FX Chain and trying to automate that instead) and discovered even more oddities/bugs/limitations separate from the topic of this request but that could be easily resolved with linking of envelopes.
It's really kind of nuts because I just assumed with how fancy all the automation stuff is in Sonar this type of thing would be Baked in already.
All that is really just to say...