Let's see how long it takes before those conspiracy theory nut jobs and leeches start propagating b.s.
To me, it's the people who can't understand that someone may want to die who are puzzling, not the people who kill themselves.
I never understood what was so incredible about it that some people refuse to believe that someone like Chris Cornell could wish to die and kill himself, and instead just go on spreading the craziest stories...
It is entirely possible to want to die, no matter who you are and what people think - and you can trust me on that one.
Yes indeed, that is how I have always seen it. People who say there is something wrong, and there are other ways to solve things etc etc, while being well meaning and all, I don't think they get it, I can totally understand the desire to just not want to be here any longer. Sure there are cases where, IF the person could have a second take so to speak they would decide against it, but of course once it's done there's no second take, but there would also be those who wouldn't want to change it. Some people simply have had enough for whatever reason, and would prefer not to go on, if that's what they want, well who is anyone else to argue with them and tell them they are wrong, it's not theirs to judge, they haven't a clue whats going on with another. Some will say it's ok, or perhaps more understandable for terminally ill people, but there could be many other factors than just that, and some people have simply had enough, and that is their right. People often argue, but what about your family and friends, your loved ones, how will they feel, you are just being selfish, I would say it is them who are being selfish, they just don't want to be saddened, to live without you and all the rest that goes along with it, they would rather you live the rest of your life in misery, pain, whatever and spare them that, so really who is the selfish one?
Life can be good for some of us, a joyous thing even, but it is not like that for everyone, life can totally suck, and yes there is always someone else worse off than you bla bla bla, but really that has nothing to do with it, different peoples tolerance levels for different things are different, you could punch one person in the face and it would be nothing to them, to another they would moan and groan and be in tears etc. Everyone is different, if someone chooses to check out, so be it, they must have had a reason, it's their choice. If I had the guts I would have been gone long ago, but I haven't, so I just smoke like a chimney and hope, if the day comes when the doc says, get your affairs in order the big C has got you, you got 6 months left, I would welcome it, and before the pain and infirmity got to far buy my own ticket out of town. Some times people have just had enough and want to get off the ride, so be it, more power to them.
Tough subject, but there's more than one side to every story, but sometimes the well meaning folk can only see their side, but that's how it goes.