Live Drum Loops?

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July 05, 11 2:38 PM (permalink)

Live Drum Loops?

Hi, I couldn't find an answer for this in search: I got a Cajon for Father's Day and have been recording basic 2 measure beats to use as drum loops in Music Creator 3. I've saved a few loops as .wav files, but I would like to know how I can use these as a first track while recording multi-track demos of drum track, acoustic guitar, bass and vocals? Is this even possible? I know I could play a whole track worth of the Cajon, but my skills as a percussionist are limited, but I can get 2 pretty good measures which sound good as snare and bass.......

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    Re:Live Drum Loops? July 05, 11 7:19 PM (permalink)
    copy and paste?
    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
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    Re:Live Drum Loops? July 06, 11 1:57 PM (permalink)
    To add to my good bud's accurate advice. record about four good measures, go back and set loop markers so that you can loop a solid measure, so that as it loops it sounds like it is a solid repeating groove, then save that piece as a groove clip or acidized loop, and save it in a folder for percussion loops and then you can import it and it will paint in and continue.

    I'd Seize the day but i can't quite reach it!
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    Re:Live Drum Loops? July 08, 11 10:33 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the replies. I will try this. The key will be to get the 'copy and pasted' track to somehow sound as 'organic' as the original measures that I played to create the loop. Not as easy as it sounds.
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    Re:Live Drum Loops? July 08, 11 2:11 PM (permalink)
    Actually it is very easy if you know the formula. here is a tutorial i made a few versions ago, but most of it is still valid read it carefully and see what you get.

    I'd Seize the day but i can't quite reach it!
    Music Town
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