Load Fantom XR Patches/Performances into Fantom VS?
Does anyone know if it's possible to load Fantom XR Patches and/or performances into a Fantom VS.
If so how?
I've tried sysex to no avail.
Seeing as the Fantom VS is just a stripped down Fantom XR I would have thought this was possible?
Studio: X3 Producer on i7 4770K Asus Z87-K 32Gb G-Skill Trident X. W8.1 x64. 2408 Mk3, ADI8-DD. BCF2000.
Stage: Cantabile Performer 2 on Lenovo W530 i7 3720QM 16Gb DDR3. Samsung 840 Evo, Samsung 840 Pro. W7 x64.