Re:Looking for a new Vocoder
March 27, 11 6:16 AM
Ol Pal
Is the Vocalizer you mention the one from Aquest? I did download this one from Aquest and try it but it does not appear to be a Vocoder as such, just some kind of formant filter (unless of course I have missed something - entirely possible!!)
I've been looking for a good new vocoder for some time - my old NI one does not work any longer and the one I've had and used for the past few years is the Orange Vocoder from Prosonic - of course development and support for Prosonic Windows based products has been discontinued, so this will also stop working soon once I upgrade operating systems etc.
I have the Mouth (I got it basically free in one of NI's promotions) but had not really used it much - I've just tried it - whilst not a traditional Vocoder, it does do some rather funky things to Vocals - I had never thought of using it like that but will most definitely do so in the future. Probably does more effects than you can achieve with a Vocoder (doubling, harmony etc) but I didn't find yet, a tradional Vocoder type effect - mind you I only played with it briefly but shall contiune to investigate as I have a track we have just recorded that has Vocoder parts in it and they have not come out very well in my opinion
Anyway if anyone else has any ideas re Vocoders, love to hear them