Re:Loss of Punch in punch out icon
2011/08/04 23:03:09
I went to transport to check it out. The Loop option doesn't mention punch in/out at all. The record options does, I checked off "overwrite" and checked "punch recording" but it didn't make a difference to the icon in the record toolbar. It still only has the loop function.
Can you answer this question, as I can't remember, does you record toolbar have only 2 icons in total, or 4? ( if it has 4, 2 would be for punch in/out, 2 for looping? or only 2? Mine only shows the 2, and I can't get it to show any options other than looping.
This is really frustrating as this is obviously an integral part of the recording process.
Win 7 Home Prem.64 BIT OS, HP G61 Notebook,AMD Dual Core 2.0 GHZ, RAM 3.0 GB.
Sonar 8.5 Studio; UA -101 Interface.