• Techniques
  • Friday Technique "Tip of the Week" (p.5)
2017/11/19 21:10:51
Tip 1: don't automate volume. Instead automate a gain plugin. That way you can use the volume fader to lower/raise the overall volume whenever you want, without selecting the whole envelope first.

Why this never occurred to me is mind blowing, but you just saved me a boatload of annoyance.  Thanks!  
My tip to any newcomers reading this would be to create reverb buses where you can pass entire groups of instruments through one reverb.  Not only will this save you on CPU and buffering, but you can EQ the reverb too with a low roll off and high roll off, plus a dip where needed for the lead instrument so you aren't overcrowding.
2017/11/20 00:30:45
Craig Anderton has recently been posting Friday tips on his website.
There's a related thread on the Harmony Central forums, too.
Please come join us. I'm already over there asking for help. ;)
2018/02/23 19:55:38
Here's a tip: Use the LP EQ in mid/side mode to broaden the stereo image by adding high end to only the sides.
2018/02/24 07:22:25
Thanks Craig.  As always, your tips are appreciated.
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