I had X3 x32 installed for awhile too, and P5 was able to use those x32 synths. ASIO was still a problem.
For reference, it was 8.1x64 with Platx64, X3(e)x32 and P5 ... along with other stuff. Everything worked OK except for my interface (16x08). IIRC, P5 only saw the first 2 of 16 inputs.
Ah, well my M-Audio Firewire 410 is actually only 2 in, 8 out as far as the 1/4" TS plugs go. So unless I use S/PDIF, which I don't, no problemo -- maybe?
Two ins works OK for me, because I mostly always use soft synths now anyway.
My thinking is that if I have zero x32 stuff, I'll never have to worry if a problem is related to x32/x64 bridging
I get that!
My problem with inputs isn't that I need more for concurrent recording. I have different stuff connected to different inputs, with each input's gain set accordingly. The INST ins are 9/19, with 9 set up for guitar and 10 for bass or A/E.
Two ins (XLR) for mics, another has the direct out for an amp, another is set up for a Red Box 5, a set of lines for a GT-001, etc.
Only seeing 1/2 in my case makes it more trouble to use than it's worth.