2017/02/24 17:18:52
Lance Riley [Cakewalk]
Hey Folks,

Thank you for your patience while we were making adjustments to Update 5 while in Early Access for Rapture Pro and Rapture Session. This update resolves a possible crash related to timing changes in Windows 10 and it includes 50 new Poly Synth programs, there are also several nice tweaks & fixes as well. This update is recommended for all Rapture Pro & Session users.
Rapture Pro Windows:
Rapture Pro Mac:
Rapture Session Windows:
Rapture Session Mac:
  • Resolved an issue where the Early Access builds would display a Beta Timeout message and not allow the plug-ins to open
  • Fixed a possible crash related to timing changes in Windows 10
  • Poly Synth page has been added - Go to the dropdown in the top right and select "Set Instrument Type"
  • 50 New Poly Synth Sounds
  • Loading a sample or SFZ has it's own unique location for loading. In addition Loading/Saving a program also has it's own unique place
  • Loading a program that has the same samples as the previously loaded program no longer reloads the samples again
  • Fixed and issue where Macro Knob 8 would not load setting correctly
  • Fixed a crash when loading a SFZ that contains the Opcode for Octave Offset
  • Resolved a issue where the plug-in would not authorize on systems with slower connections
2017/02/24 18:17:43
Nice - 
Thanks Lance!
2017/02/26 22:43:13
Jesse G
You guys are such great Bakers!!!
2017/03/04 22:31:32
Thank you Lance.
Its a great program. I should upgrade it to the Pro version if there is a upgrade path.
I have Dimension Pro and that's great as well.
keep up the great work.
2017/03/05 01:12:19
2017/08/20 11:16:03
Hi Lance,
I’m quite new in the Rapture Session product
However, after testing, figured out the issue with MIDI routing.
Btw, the standalone app is driven by Korg master (by iConnectMIDI4 on port 1), and everything working fine until press the DEC/INC keys on the keyboard. Then the midi input is still visible (on the onscreen keyboard), but no sound (configured by ASIO4ALL v2).
The same problems appears in Cantabile 3.0 host (with ASIO and WASAPI). Note that other plugins like Kontakt 5 and AIR Xpand!2 / DB33 works without any problem.
Do you have the clue what could be the problem ?
2017/08/20 15:27:36
When you press the DEC/INC keys on the keyboard, what MIDI messages do they send?
2017/08/20 16:13:01
Hi Eddie,
INC / DEC sendes: PC(n) + #CC32(3) + #CC0(0), where n is program number on the bank 3.
The whole string is captured by MIDI Wrench iPad app. Korg also trigger controllers related with the patch: #CC80(0)+ #CC81(0) + #CC65(0)
2017/08/21 16:42:32
Rapture Session does not respond to Patch Change messages.
You can configure Rapture Session to change program with specific Control Change messages by clicking on the cog wheel icon in the top, right corner of the user interface.
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