• Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018] (p.12)
2018/03/30 09:57:26
I am probably a lone voice on this but;
Please consider a true Mac OS developed 'Sonar' for the future.
I cannot tell you just how many students/audio technologists/producers I know and have worked with over the years that have wanted to use Sonar on Apple systems.  When I have demonstrated Sonar's capabilities and functionality it has wowed hardened Logic users, but the faces soon drop when they ask "Available for Mac?" and I say "no."
2018/03/30 10:17:40
Meng and All:

An amazing list with many useful suggestions. I was casually capturing the categories across them, such as MIDI enhancement, stability, bug fix, etc. I learned a lot from the posts. Here is a very short list of things I think about when using TDFKAS:

1. Environment Modularity: is there a way to have a lean session just for tracking. Thinking like Presonus's Capture. When I am tracking a client or a live Orchestra I need capture essentials only for stability. I envision the ability to open a project that auto-freezes each track, and creates an ultra low demand session for overdubs. All the while permitting the ability to reopen the project with the overdub in place with the remaining project back to normal.

2. Exportable Detailed Session Information: I would like to export a .csv that would contain global project information (Project Name, storage path, creation date, last revised date, etc) along with some highly detailed track data (Some delivered in values such as 0 to 99) Such as: track name, clip list, trim. Volume, pan, FX list, routing, etc. when I am working in film post, often we document every detail, and I use screen captures for some of this. Also precise value print outs can help me find errant settings in a multi file project that create inconsistencies. I like having repeatable consistent results with accurate baselines. Project and track templates help accomplish this, I am seeking a way to document the settings.

Thank you for asking about enhancements.

2018/03/30 10:40:14
A decent score editor is way overdue.
2018/03/30 10:53:52
2.  Simplify the Console View.
     Narrow/scalable channels/buses etc.

Do you know there's narrow strip option already? (right click, at the bottom)
3.  Scrollable ProChannel module list.
     Please.  It is a bloody nightmare if like me you have all the available PC modules and can't scroll them.  C'mon!

Yeah, drive me mad, I still scroll automatically and realise you can't. There are about 32 Pro Channels now, roughly two HD screen high. Hopefully more will be developed, so sub folders and inclusion in the Pug In manager should really happen. They have sub folders already, as the style dials are in one. 
2018/03/30 11:30:25
I agree with KEV999

First priority is BUGS ! Always fixing them first is what creates a solid foundation.
1)There is currently a spike leak at the input of a mutli tibral instrument or multi aux tracks inputting the same instrument when combined with sidechaining, although very hard to replicate the workaround is to use only one instrument input per instance of the multi tibral instrument or a single instrument with no addition input aux tracks ! which renders multi input aux tracks unusable with sidechaining completely ! So this must be fixed.

This problem however provides itself an easy solution and can be fixed fast because if you look at the code then clearly there is a code difference between the first instrument input track of a instrument and additional aux tracks inputting that instrument. Furthermore you can cross reference that with a 4 x input track multi timbral instrument e.g kontakt , and ask yourself what is the common factor between the additional aux tracks and the second + input on the kontakt instance ? I can tell you they are identical because they both leak, so now ask yourself why is the first input track on the instrument and kontakt properly leak proof but any additional are not and there is your simple solution. It must be there for the dev team to see clear as day.

2. A project's signal flow diagram, as discussed here:
3. MIDI tracks to include "MIDI send" so that a single MIDI source could output to more than one softsynth

Thanks again
2018/03/30 13:13:40
PAL Music
I just want "Low Latency Input Monitoring".
2018/03/30 13:58:40
Back in the stoneages when CW was strictly a midi sequencer, there was a really handy feature to select between 3 user defined tempo-ratios (like .75, .90, and realtime). 
For an early project phase of purely midi development, this was one of my favorite tools.  As a musician w/ limited chops, this streamlined the process of realtime creation with authentic feel, without disrupting any established tempo maps.  For any given project, it was not unusual for me tweak the ratio on a per-part basis in order to find the right groove for that instrument.  But there was always comfort in knowing that at any point the project could return to tempo ratio 1.0 (Realtime).
I would like to suggest adding a version of this tempo-ratio tool that is available only whenever audio tracks cannot play.  I'm thinking this could be handled in one of 3 ways.  The first would probably be the easiest to code as a standalone module, while the 3rd would probably be the most useful for a so-so keyboardist, who might like to improvise a technically difficult solo towards the end of a project.
You could eliminate conflict between a new midi tempo-ratios and audio realtime.......
1). by limiting the tempo-ratio tool to .mid filetypes only.
2). by coding in the conditions that would disable tempo-ratio (rendered/frozen synths, or recorded audio tracks present).
3). by temporarily muting/disabling rendered or audio tracks whenever a tempo-ratio other than realtime is selected. 
2018/03/30 14:11:15
CAL SCRIPT TOOL (universal foundation coding where the foundation codes do not change with new releases)
I would like it if you guys could do a complete research, review, and anniversary updating of the CAL SCRIPT TOOL. I know that with every new version of Cakewalk there are new versions of code that are updated on the back end. When this happens it creates more new codes that can either be a completely new code feature / function, or simply a duplicate function of the previous code but with a new updated name. If you guys could please:
1. Take the time to really completely re-work through all of the codes since the very creation of Sonar Cakewalk and either re-write the codes in such a way to grandfather in all of the original codes (equivalent code substitutions) from all of the previous versions to have all versions work the exact same way that would be great.
2. Or instead if you could, since we are now switching to a completely brand new tech database for new scripting management both in the cloud and outside of the cloud, instead make all of the CAL SCRIPT codes universal so there will not be any current conflicts with us being able to create our own versions of workflow shortcuts when using Cakewalk outside of the cloud.
3. And lastly, please take the time to release a brand new "all-in-one" dedicated "up-to-date" book with these "universal codes" that will now allow us to use them consistently moving forward serving as "foundational codes" for the scripting instead constantly changing out the foundation of coding with every new release update of Cakewalk making the intended use of the CAL SCRIPT TOOL obsolete. The foundational codes will stay there forever because its something that we as users are trained and will have solid knowledge of while any new feature release versions of the code on the back end are updated and managed by the developer on the back end as "new feature equivalent codes" to serve the main purpose of interacting with the foundational codes updating the functionality each and every time when a new release has been created.
I think this would be a one of a kind way to work through all future development issues and ensure the best DAW product on the market while moving towards the future of music entertainment production, features, and workflows. 
Movie Editing and CAL SCRIPTING (universal foundation coding where the foundation codes do not change with new releases)
Does CAL SCRIPTING also apply itself in the same manner as video editing is concerned?
If it does then maybe possibly it can be used to implement a competitive edge on the movie making industry since Cakewalk has been sitting on this particular feature for way too long with just the very basics of movie editing capabilities. And if this is true then my next question is can it or will it be able to be productively managed and implemented the same way that it was intended to be used for the music production and editing side of Cakewalk?
If it can be done in this manner then maybe as developers you could
1. Release a completely separate dedicated full version of the movie production / editing software suite that has been hiding inside of Cakewalk since the beginning of its time? This would allow you to manage both systems independently of each other. I don't think that in today's market that anyone is actually heavily using Cakewalk for video production and editing at all anymore.
2. Release a separate dedicated book of universal foundational codes strictly pertaining to the usage of video editing? I know the video editing industry is a different beast in itself but since the basic features are already in the grasp of Cakewalk then maybe consider running with it and creating an all-in-one music production and movie production / editing powerhouse of a company to be reckoned with?
I think it's time for the Cakewalk entertainment industry takeover since it is after all one of the original powerhouses when considering the countless amount of user features that other software companies have emulated from it.
Thank you for reading this Meng,
I hope for the best.
2018/03/30 14:30:57
I think the there's some Feature TDFKAS need to have in order to earn film composer and video game music composer.There are plenty 
of things can not be achieved using sonar,but it's the necessary feature on film scoring and video game music production.

1) Feature - Tempo track(like Steinberg Cubase).
[Sonar can not copy,paste,disable or move the tempo line,if I draw a lot of tempo change,then I want slow everything down by 
10BPM,the only way to do this is to re-draw everything.that makes a film music composer impossible to work.I think this feature 
should be given top priority. ]

2) Feature - Marker track(like Steinberg Cubase).Also an essential feature

3)Feature -Metronome improvement and metronome track export.
[Will be a very handy Feature when a film composer need to record the orchestra and prepare the click track for the orchestra]
4)Feature -"count-in" measures(or Bar Number offset),allow user to start a sequence at measure -1 or 3 ect,

5)bugs-Improve the compability with Vienna Ensemble pro.I'v test on many daws only sonar behave like this.
[1.open a Cakewalk sonar project with VE plugin,the VE server will automaticly loding,and then daw is freezed until terminate the 
ve server. 
2.change the buffer setting in Sonar,hit ok.and the daw will freeze.]
6)Feature -arranger track(like Steinberg Cubase)
[A handy feature to songwriter]
7)Feature -Retrospective MIDI Record(like cubase and protools 2018)
And by the way .If TDFKAS can load vst's by mutiple computers via network,like Vienna Ensemble did.I think Every Film music 
composer will turn to TDFKAS.I know it will take years to develope this feature.but for now,please improve some compability with 
Vienna ensemble.

Thanks again meng ^_^
2018/03/30 14:39:14
Add a section to preferences that allows setting meter preferences, i.e. hold, lock etc, for all meter in one go, not as present.
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