• Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018] (p.23)
2018/04/03 09:01:53
Mine would be a mix of generic changes (which I may not care about personally, by the way, but are ones which I think need to be dealt with to make SONAR a serious competitor), one bug and one FR:
1 - Better compatability with VSTs: special modes for SONAR, general incompatabilities, lack of direct support for MIDI processing VSTs should be a thing of the past.
2 - Better audio performance - whether the benchmarks are reasonable or not, the oft-stated tests show SONAR in a particularly bad light, especially at low latencies.  This needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency: I think that (1) may affect this (eg. too many VST calls or inefficient calls).  Something like Samplitude's hybrid engine, Cubase's ASIO guard or Reaper's adaptive(?) processing is needed.
3 - Control surface support.  The comments from Meng about the VS700 are promising, but Bandlab needs to own development of control surface support rather than expecting the hardware manufacturers to do this.
4 - FR: Independent snap for MIDI and audio in Track View.  Or independent snap for move vs. edits (slip edits and cutting) for audio.  One or the other, but continually having to disable snap to slip edit an audio clip when I'm almost always going to want to move clips by a musical measurement is frustrating in the extreme.
5 - Bug: Deleting an envelope sets the value the envelope controls based on the "Now" time, not resets it to the "default" or value at the start of the track.  I know this is as intended, but it's really not intuitive: my Word analogy would be deleting a sentence on page 7 affects the formatting of the text on page 1.  No-one would accept that behaviour.  I do wonder if one of the issues is the strict linkage between envelopes and control surface faders/knobs, and this should be separated (ie. a track has two - summed - envelopes for a parameter, one derived from an envelope added via the software and one via a controller, with the ability to change one to the other).
2018/04/03 11:27:13
Add a " Clip Enveloppes copy/paste " feature please.
Recording a " clone D.I track " for reamping purposes has become quite common nowadays ! You're getting the exact same clips and takes on 2 different tracks (or more) only the sound is different.
Allowing the copy of clip enveloppes from the processed track to the D.I track would save a lot of time... Especialy when you have a lot of takes !
Thanks in advance.
2018/04/03 15:18:33
When activating Ripple edit, it is very useful that some button start flashing or changes his colour showing to the user that ripple edit is active or still active. This will be fine to avoid errors. Thanks.
2018/04/03 16:37:20
I think the there's some Feature TDFKAS need to have in order to earn film composer and video game music composer.There are plenty 
of things can not be achieved using sonar,but it's the necessary feature on film scoring and video game music production.

1) Feature - Tempo track(like Steinberg Cubase).
[Sonar can not copy,paste,disable or move the tempo line,if I draw a lot of tempo change,then I want slow everything down by 
10BPM,the only way to do this is to re-draw everything.that makes a film music composer impossible to work.I think this feature 
should be given top priority. ]

2) Feature - Marker track(like Steinberg Cubase).Also an essential feature

3)Feature -Metronome improvement and metronome track export.
[Will be a very handy Feature when a film composer need to record the orchestra and prepare the click track for the orchestra]
4)Feature -"count-in" measures(or Bar Number offset),allow user to start a sequence at measure -1 or 3 ect,

5)bugs-Improve the compability with Vienna Ensemble pro.I'v test on many daws only sonar behave like this.
[1.open a Cakewalk sonar project with VE plugin,the VE server will automaticly loding,and then daw is freezed until terminate the 
ve server. 
2.change the buffer setting in Sonar,hit ok.and the daw will freeze.]
6)Feature -arranger track(like Steinberg Cubase)
[A handy feature to songwriter]
7)Feature -Retrospective MIDI Record(like cubase and protools 2018)
And by the way .If TDFKAS can load vst's by mutiple computers via network,like Vienna Ensemble did.I think Every Film music 
composer will turn to TDFKAS.I know it will take years to develope this feature.but for now,please improve some compability with 
Vienna ensemble.

Thanks again meng ^_^

You can already copy and paste tempo changes. You can also slow down or speed up the tempo map that contains multiple tempo changes retaining all the movements by using 'Fit to time' and selecting an earlier time and using he change tempos option. I use this all of the time. Moves the whole map up or down. I have detailed how to do this in one of my posts. Hit me back if you need help with it.
2018/04/03 16:46:29
Thanks for asking. This is an incredible opportunity for us.
1. Give the possibility of choosing the sample rate and bit depth every time we start a new project.
2. Review and modify some menus in a more ordered way. For example, if we right-click on an audio clip in actual SONAR, we will have a "process effect" submenu, which is not exactly the same as the "apply effect" submenu in the “process” upper left menu. Why they are different? They should be the same for understanding reasons for new users.
3a. Like in ACID Pro, connect every audio clip fade in and fade out with a mobile straight line between them, which is the clip gain, so it can be modified anytime without accessing the automation menu.
3b. Like in Vegas Pro, change the graphic amplitude of the waveform as we move the (previously proposed) gain line and the fade in/out curves.
4. Give the possibility of applying a NON DESTRUCTIVE audio clip NORMALIZATION to 0dB, by switching it on/off in the right-click menu of every audio clip. Just the same way as the existing “mute/unmute clip” option.
5. In the “Import - Audio” menu, give the chance of importing to timeline JUST A PART of an audio file, showing the file in a very simple waveform trimmer with transport (not only play/stop, as it is today).
6. In timeline, allow us to fine adjust a selection by pulling it from its extremes.
7. In long term, extend the L-Phase/Adaptive mastering plugin family by creating a Multiband Stereo Imager WITH  good mono compatibility meter, and maybe a Multiband Harmonic Exciter. By this we will get a suite almost like Ozone included in TDFKAS, and available separated for selling it to other DAW users.
8. To finish, design in theme editor a BandLab color scheme for TDFKAS.
Thanks for the opportunity, and sorry if my english is not so accurate.
2018/04/03 17:51:38
9. Recycle the GREAT "SpectraFX" plugin available until SONAR 8 (then discontinued for unknown reasons).
edit: Image data removed from post. This forum does not support uploading images. Use an image hosting service (ex. imgur.com) and post a link to the image in your posts. - sc
2018/04/03 20:09:20
Rewriting code for plugin manager. It is really poor coded module. It seems to be external thing for Sonar.
If many plugins registered (like 500+ or even 1000+ what is not so hard to reach having bundles from different manufactures and also free plugs) there are many crashing while scanning or missing plugins.
Few days ago I discovered I lost from Sonar some plugins from Slate (yep, not all). After full rescan, some crashes of VST plugin manager and restart Sonar I didn't discovered them but lost next, this time from PA.
It is terrible pain fighting with it again and again. I tired of this :(
By comparison at the same machine, in Studio One none such problems. Only issue after removing ilok it invalidated VMR and added to black list but I reset the list and rescan and that's it. Also scanning seems to be much faster than in Sonar.
Most of problems when scanning VST plugins make it stops. Another stupid thing as it should invalidate plugin in the worst and go further. Easy to imagine what happens when there are 1000 plugs and manager is crashing at #333.
While is it crashing at all? I bought Studio One after Gibson left us and had no crash when scanning, scanning is fast, and no missed plugins so far...
After making it reliable and fast it would be nice to improve it to make it also great. Many ideas we could provide.
2018/04/04 01:04:05
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
Piotr, the only reason to use plugin manager today is for making plugin layouts. All other plugin browsing functionality exists in the plugin browser in SONAR so we aren't going to be making any updates to the plugin manager tool. 
2018/04/04 01:35:19
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
Piotr, the only reason to use plugin manager today is for making plugin layouts. All other plugin browsing functionality exists in the plugin browser in SONAR so we aren't going to be making any updates to the plugin manager tool. 

I love making custom layouts for FX plugins and vst virtual instruments. It really improves my workflow. I hope that feature is kept. Wish you guys all the best!
2018/04/04 02:10:57
Guthrie Lowe
Almost everything I do is for film...Scoring and composition as well as sound effect and dialogue editing so all of my suggestions will be in regards to those areas.
1.  An expansion of the staff notation feature, either in partnership with Finale or Sibelius, or something proprietary.  Have the staff notation and dynamics actually control the sounds during playback above and beyond velocity.  Nobody really has that.
2.  Fade handles built into audio clips on the timeline.  I shouldnt have to highlight a section and go to the Process drop down or hotkey, fade, and then repeat on the other end of the clip.  Give me a handle i can grab and trim on the clip directly...maybe with a custom preset curve and a 'See fade' on and off. Pro tools and Nuendo both have this and its a huge time saver...but screw those guys.
3.  Remove RIFF WAV limits.  Dont make me export to a w64 file if my file is over 2GB.  Thats an imaginary construct and many platforms allow for up to 4 GB.  If I do a score or effects track for a two hour movie in 24/48....its going to be over 2GB. Having to export in pieces to Adobe so I can export a single WAV file is beyond ridiculous.
4.  Embrace all formats.  I shouldnt have to use Google LAV filters in order to access some video formats.  Video integration has been an after thought for the most part up until now.  Also, if i need to export a quickie MP3 for a reference file, I shouldnt have to use Audacity for that. Dont sell me an MP3 encoder....its not 2003.
5.  Waveform batch search, recognition and sync.  Obviously, a little more of a specialty item, but if DaVinci can do it, so can you.  Being able to use a master waveform to search through dozens of files to find the counterpart from other mic recordings would be a huge time saver in the post production world. 
6. Super accurate noise removal tools ala Izotope RX....I have to export from SONAR to Audacity to use theirs....that seems unnecessary. Adobe has a decent cleaner also. De-essers, rustle remover....also a Spectrum analyzer built in would be nice
7. Midware integration with programs like wWise and FMOD. I know this is kind of a Nuendo thing but it would be an awesome feature for game audio people. Niche market but still...pro
These are things that have kept SONAR from competing in the film and game worlds.  I prefer SONAR...ive been using it since 2002.  If you can find a way to implement the above suggestions, you might kick a few door down in the industry
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