• Feature Requests + Improvements [New 29/3/2018] (p.57)
2018/07/14 17:22:26
Buck Nodules
Hello Meng,
I'm using a 44" touch screen to control the console. The console is "undocked" and placed on the touch screen (screen 2). It works very well except for
three things:
1. Please make the fader throw length longer or editable (like in Studio One). Fader position is difficult because of the short throw length.
2. I float the Control Bar and place it at the bottom of the touch screen. All is saved but when I reopen the project the Bar is not there. I press "C" and it appears across the two screens at the wrong resolution. Clicking on it corrects the resolution and it has to be re-positioned.
3. For touch, the transport symbols could be bigger.

Off the top of my head?

Hold shift while dragging widget for fine adjustment... we have that now...
2018/07/15 03:13:12
Feature Request:
Currently it seems as though AUX tracks only let audio pass through if the track audition/monitor button is active. I find this confusing and on more than one occasion I have turned of all audition/monitor in the project, only to discover that nothing directed to an AUX track is playing back.
Is there a way this function can be made independent of the normal track audition/monitor mode?
2018/07/17 14:02:47
Feature Requests:

(1) Add toggle button for Auto crossfade

(2) Add toggle button for Ripple Edit

(3) Add new track type “marker” and allow multiple marker tracks

(4) Add new track type “tempo” so that it aligns with project in track view
2018/07/19 19:10:20
Did I already request this here?
I'm sure I've requested it in the past, but it continues to haunt me...
Please consider adding user enable/disable to display the promoted clips while Lanes are exposed....
More often than not, the track's image confuses my eye as I'm working with clips on the Lanes....
It would be very much eaiser if I could turn off the Track's image and see only the Lanes....
2018/07/20 09:56:03
Improvements?  The clean audio folder utility needs a desperate overhaul.  It'd be nice if it just stuck to the folder I point it to, but it insists on searching the entire drive and taking forever.  It crashes all the time now but it used to work for me.  I've resorted to the tedious saving projects as a bundle and re-opening them at the end of a project to get rid of extraneous files.  

The longstanding bug that when you solo a bus that has a hardware insert and then it just mutes instead should be fixed.  That one is pretty dire.  

I assume Ara2 is on the drawing board for whenever it is Melodyne gets around to releasing the new version.

Am I nuts or did bandlab return the stereo interleave and phase buttons back to the track view?!  I refuse to believe....but if so, Bandlab has my undying loyalty in correcting a grievous oversight that has been a black mark on the x series since it was first unveiled. I still think whoever's idea it was at Cakewalk to remove that should have been fired at the first meeting after it was released though.   But seriously - this just made my year.

2018/07/20 14:46:56
I'm still hoping for a chord track.
2018/07/20 18:22:19
I'm still hoping for a chord track.

We can always hope! 
2018/07/24 16:10:48
is there a fix on the way for Native Instruments hardware so that it will work with Cakewalk again?
2018/07/24 16:27:44
Simple one - ability to select and move multiple tracks up/down in the arranger window.

Currently only one track at a time can be moved.  The ability to select several tracks (adjacent or otherwise) and move at once would be very helpful when organizing large mixes.

Yes - currently this can be done with FOLDERS but folders aren't always needed and adds another layer of steps.
2018/07/27 23:05:32
I'd like to be able to switch my buffers/settings quickly between my lowest for tracking and my "highest" for mixing.  Like an A/B button and I get to set the parameters.
Perhaps that is already doable and I haven't figured it out, yet. LOL
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